View Full Version : Blood work good panic not

12-01-12, 18:13
Hi Guys for the last 2 weeks I’ve been having abdominal pain with a light head and problems concentrating i got a blood test which came back normal(should be happy) but now I’m thinking i have cancer to the point that I’m checking every cancer symptom to see if i have it i have also noticed i have less interest in things i used to like doing like playing video games it seems that all my time is taken up by this its starting to do my head in

12-01-12, 20:24
I know exactly how you feel (you kindly replied in my topic) as you know its good to get good results back and also anxiety makes me feel the same way i just concentrate on a illness and everything else i lose interest in. I also get lightheaded and think it is down to being anxious which can also lead to real pain, i have been reading a lot (not about ilness) though its hard not too!! and it does help, or try take long baths and relax your bloods came back good so try not to worry ^^

12-01-12, 20:31

I know exactly how you feel - I've been there before too often. Sometimes distraction can help - like force your self to play a video game and see if you can get into it?

Also try and reason with yourself. Go into your bathroom, look yourself in the mirror, and say to yourself "get a grip! The chances are very low that I have something bad."

Also take solace in that you are not alone in this. Let's face it, Cancer is something that most of us with HA focus on. But remember that no matter how much you think something is true in your mind, does not mean it's true in reality. Want proof? No matter how much I might imagine winning the lottery, it's not going to happen.