View Full Version : Do you find your anxiety comes in 'waves'?

12-01-12, 19:43
What I mean is, do you get patches of pretty good, and then suddenly you go downhill again? For me, I go up and down - I have a good bout.. and then I can get really bad. Right now I'm not having a good time -it started with feeling unwell/weird chest/breathing difficulty. So I think that brought it on.. but then I did get really stressed just before that.. But I just want to feel better, and the symptoms are depressing me! I don't know whether it's a virus, or anxiety or what! :weep:
I just felt like asking if this is the common of experience of most people with GAD, or if it's different for some?

By the way, my 'good' patches means I can go about a day to day life but I don't work. I can't handle the pressure of paid work yet.

Thanks for any replies!

12-01-12, 19:57
Yes mine comes in waves of good and bad. I can be doing the same things every day yet the anxiety can vary from day to day, I sometimes get a really good day and also the opposite is also possible.

On the really bad days what keeps me going is knowing that there will also be good days.

Hope you feel better soon!


12-01-12, 20:10
Hi my anxiety and panic now come in waves, i had constant anxiety and panic attacks before i started on citalopram but now as im slowly getting better it varies from day to day, i can be having a good day and then all of a sudden i can get an intense and overwhelming feeling of panic/anxiety which can last from 10 mins to 10 hours! Its all part of our recovery process but blinking horrible and scarey! X x

12-01-12, 20:24
Hi there,

I have GAD and also feel really low when it affects my day to day living. I try my best but for some reason I get all anxious about the future then it is just a vicious circle after that. I really need sometimes to break the circle and let my anxiety lower ( not always easy mind you ). Have been needing lots of support lately. I do wish you all the best and you are not alone, I was told today by a Dr that anxious people have lots of good things about them e.g. loving and compassionate so I suppose there is a wee positive. Take care anyway....:hugs:

12-01-12, 22:50
Yes I also get anxiety in waves...it can be frustrating because I'll start to think I'm doing better and then out of nowhere an anxiety attack will hit. And like Nicolas said it can last a few minutes or hours. It's horrible, but we have to have faith in ourselves that we can overcome this! Xx