View Full Version : globus hystericus (anxiety related) or something more serious?

12-01-12, 20:53
Hey well i am new to this site..im 15 years old our probably thinking why on earth is a 15 year old worrying? well anyways it all started a month after i turned 14 started getting really bad head aches and thought it was a brain tumour..and from then i couldnt stop worrying i went to see a Councillor after a couple of months i completely stopped 6 months and suddenly it started again..i acidently stabbed myself with a sharpie marker and freaked out thinking i had ink poisoning from there numerous things happened pains in my lower back thinking i had a kidney infection my eyes went blury- thought i was going blind turned out i had dry eyes..so here i am with another thing since friday night this has been going on so 6 days now it feels like cant breathe through my throat it all started off in bed i was worrying about my friend and i had a major heart palpitation and i freaked out then i felt like i couldnt breath so i went bed thinking it would go off woke up in the morning fine..through out the day it came back so it was bad all day then the next day it got worse and to now it feels like i cant breathe my throat is tight it feels like a lump in my throat and i keep on swallowing it feels like it goes down and comes back up i went the doctors two infact they checked my heart that was fine they checked my lungs fine checked if i had asthma the blower thing..went up to 350 and he said that was fine for my age..and they also checked my throat nothing down their seems a little inflamed because i keep trying to take deep breathes and swallowing...oh and another thing its hard to swallow my food my mum is getting worried cause im not eating much at all and basically i am driving her up the wall with this and she said if im not carefull i can make myself seriously ill i had to have soup tonight because its the only thing that will go down! so do you think this could be globus hystericus or something worse? search on google if you dont know what it is, it is a kind of anxiety oh and one more thing i get so scared to go to sleep because i might not wake up and i might die in the night so please help! :weep:

12-01-12, 20:56
Hi little.miss.worry

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

12-01-12, 21:33
You definitely won't die :)

I had it really bad. It's really uncomfortable but it's just anxiety. I found sucking boiled sweets really helped and try to take notice of where your tongue is in your mouth. If it's at the roof try and lower it so that its in the natural position, this can help too.

Take care.

12-01-12, 21:40
thank you mallan82450 you have reassured me :) crazy how anxiety can bring on physical symptoms and then it makes it 10 times worse

13-01-12, 12:15
Hiya and welcome to NMP:welcome:

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: