View Full Version : Does anyone know How to stop panic attacks without taking medicine?

12-01-12, 21:44
I am desprate for help. I get a panic attack Everytime I am around people,, I start school soon. I am afraid to go. :(

I don't like big crowds of people, what do I do ?

The doc gave me celexa but i don't want to take it because of the recent warnings.

Well my question is how do I stop panic disorder WITHOUT medicine?

I'm desprate for help ;((((

12-01-12, 23:02
Claire weeks book self help for your nerves she's great on helping with panic attacks also this is good to listen to.


Hope this helps you

Cathy xx

13-01-12, 13:19
There are many different ways you can help.. have a look at the website.. talk to people on here who are the same boat as you, that helps me. I think medication can be useful with many different conditions but self help and CBT can be far more useful :)

13-01-12, 13:33
Try vit B, excellent for anxiety and uplifting my mood i find... I take Jarrows B-right.. Have a read up on the reviews, you can search on google.

13-01-12, 18:02
Claire Weeks helped me a lot, I had bad panic attacks for over 2 years and in the country where i live nobody knew much about them. You can't stop them immediately but, you can start to realize there is a pattern, and they build up and up and up and then subside, thats because they have no where to go and nothing else to do. Panic and anxiety can come on at anytime and thats what scares us, we think " What if this" or " Oh no, not again " and its the fear of the fear and feelings that we are most scared of. Understand that its coming from you and understand that they are harmless, no matter how yucky them seem and realize how great the body is because it is actually getting ready for flight or fight, it responds to the slightest emotions. I know its so easy to say but i had them and i still get them now and it takes you on a rollercoaster of emotions but try and remember that they can and will one day not be as scary and by taking little steps and going through them they will melt away. Reading Claire Weekes taught me this, she got it right and she knew exactly how we feel. I hope you start to take small steps, and keep telling yourself its all coming from you and you have the ability to make yourself make yourself begin to feel stronger. I am sure you can do it and remember that loads of us out here know what it feels like and you are never alone .

14-01-12, 18:41
CBT is the way forward! I went through a period of anxiety which developed into a series of panic attacks that seemed to get worse and worse. Through a pattern of panic attack followed by avoidance my life became more and more limited. CBT taught me (at my own pace) to challenge those thoughts that precede a panic attack and, instead of retreating to safety each time, in a controlled manner I stayed with them and eventually pushed through them. Each time i did this, my confidence started to return and the pace of my recovery grew faster and faster!

There is a caveat though, you really have to WANT it to work! If you go at it half hearted and dont work at it you will make little to no progress, which is why it is great to talk to a counsellor because it gives you the added accountability as well.

I am NOT anti drugs in any way at all but i really do think that they should be used either when every other option has been exhausted or to enable the individual to try alternative methods.

Best of luck!

P.S. just got the Claire Weeks book and it really is as good as people say!

14-01-12, 19:25
CBT4PANIC - Saved my life!

There is a thread on here.

Good luck.

14-01-12, 19:30
Hi Mallan82450

Glad the programme helped so much - great to hear

the thread is here http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=91696


15-01-12, 11:15
You can try using Natural Anxiety Treatment the use of herbal remedies can help to ease your issues You can find many tips and free advice at http://naturalanxietytreatment.co.uk/blog

23-05-12, 18:50
If you are panicking then simply laying down and trying to calm yourself down for a while would be the right thing to do. Remember, when you are having a panic attack the body is trying to warn you of a flight or fight situation. Though medication is the "easy" way out of a panic attack you can also try breathing exercises.

If that does not work then having a strong mindset is a must. It is just like getting over your fears when you were a child. Over time you become braver and braver until you do not fear anymore. The so called "boogey man" is no longer a fear because now that you are older you know it does not exist.

The same principle can be applied to figure out how to stop panic attacks. By facing it in the eye, you will no longer have a fight or flight situation, and thus become stronger afterwards because of it.

23-05-12, 21:09
hi I've heard CBT is the way to go. i also suffer from panic attacks and it's really getting me down nw :( i also don't like takin drugs it sounds silly bt i feel any medication makes me panic so the thought off beta blockers etc are a no no for me. I've recently been offered CBT help from my doctor although I've heard good storys i can't image speaking to someone about something i hate having and talking about to any1