View Full Version : Still scared about having a brain tumor

12-01-12, 23:33
I know I've posted on here a lot lately and I'm sorry.
But I've been so scared I have a brain tumor, my symptoms are to do with my vision I have:
Black floaters
sometimes a black dot each time I blink that goes after about an hour
Wiggly lines and black floaters in the dark (symptom that scares me the most!!)
Floaters when eyes are closed
"Clear" floaters
When I look at something bright like the sky it kind of looks like little bugs flying around like midges or something

I'm scared I have a brain tumor, even though logic's telling me I don't.
My head was also hurting on either side before too and it got me into such a state.
I've been to the opticians as I was originally worried about retinal detachment but now its moved to brain tumor! Really scared, not as scared as I was but I'm so worried. Just want to stop worrying and move on now so I can focus on getting better :mad: I'm on my second day of Citalopram now too so really just want to start feeling normal again. Anyone help?

13-01-12, 02:06
I get those black floaty things too, sometimes it ruins my vision of the sky on a lovely sunny day!! I used to blame alcohol when i was a drinker! but still get them every now and then.
Sometimes medication can do the odd things to us..easier said than done but try not to worry, Im sure its nothing seriously wrong, I think all us humans get those weird floater things
best wishes and love from

sherylee xx
13-01-12, 10:24
it really doesnt sound like a brain tumor youd have severe vomitin one sided headaches numbness down one side of your body bein woken in the night by terrible headaches have headaches so bad you wouldnt be able to function things like that hun what you have is 100% normal and i get everythin you have described floaters are normal hun i have a blac dot i see in both eyes all the time get the lil floaters when i look at the sky i see colourfull floaters especially when i close my eyes when tryin to get to sleep my gp has told all this is normal and everyone gets it just that us ha sufferers notice it alot more as were are so anxiuos please dont worry xx

13-01-12, 10:33
I think everyone gets floaters to be honest. I know this won;t stop you worrying though, as that's not how our minds work, but try not to be too concerned about it.

13-01-12, 12:27
I always have floaters, my friend whose an optician says they're perfectly normal and nothing to worry about. I think if you had a brain tumour you'd know. ie fits, seizures, vomiting, blacking out...

13-01-12, 16:06
I think everyone gets floaters to be honest. I know this won;t stop you worrying though, as that's not how our minds work, but try not to be too concerned about it.

Jamesk is totally correct. I know because I speak from experience on this one - years ago, I got totally caught up in my floaters as well. Although, I didn't relate them to having a BT. No instead I was convinced my eyes were damaged because someone at work was flashing around a laser pointer.

I went to like 3 different eye doctors. The last one I saw realized what I was doing and told me that I was just noticing normal things. Everyone has these, it's just that most people don't pay attention to them. But if you start focusing on it, you will see them.

13-01-12, 23:48
Thanks for responding everyone.
I think its mainly to do with me actually focusing on the problems, just so worried there's something there! I thought if I went to the opticians to rule out retinal detachment I'd feel better but nope pesky HA has got its grip on me! :weep:

14-01-12, 14:42
Okay I know i posted yesterday but I've noticed black sparkles in my vision!
They're so freaky and I have black blobs too which I seem to notice more. I can't stop freaking out I've been sick twice already because I had a huge panic attack. I just can't stop worrying now at all, I thought I calmed down last night and then this happened so convinced I'm dying

14-01-12, 16:49
Telling yourself constantly that your dying, will really throw your body into all sorts of symptons...mind and body are linked , if you tell yourself you are ill, you become ill... likewise trying telling yourself you are well, that nothings wrong, its worth a go surely.. catch yourself when you are telling yourself this negative stuff and quickly replace the negative chat with a positive statement... if you keep telling yourself you feel good, you start to feel good... the panic is making you vomit, and the meds could be causing alot of symptons... but obviously if you are seriously concerned book to see your gp.

14-01-12, 23:30
Thanks for replying. I've kind of calmed down a bit but still worried!
The black blobs are kind of like when you look into a microscope, its weird, I'm pretty sure everyone gets it just for some reason I've been focusing on my vision a lot and actually check it before I go to sleep every night to make sure its not gotten worse and always find something new there to worry about!

16-01-12, 19:43
I have been doing this same this miniholly.

I keep noticing them and just start thinking about them constantly. They only seem to show up in certain lighting which is the weird part..

But this coupled with the worrying about glands/nodes in my neck are driving me nuts too!

18-01-12, 18:29
Hi ya,
My father unfortunately died from a brain tumour. he never had any problems with his vision till very near the end of his disease. The other symptoms would be so advanced you wouldnt be typing on here.I wont list the symptoms because if your anything like me you will get all of them!!!!. since loosing my dad to cancer I am constantly in fear of it.
Try and relax stress and anxiety will cause all the things you have listed. Also its not just a headache you wouldnt be able to function. Take care

18-01-12, 18:38
The little black dots are small bubbles in the jelly of your eye, they make wiggly trails as the move around. You can see loads of them if you look at the blue sky through the window on a sunny day. You get more of them the older you get, I once had one right in the centre of my vision, it has now drifted to one side. Very annoying!

18-01-12, 23:40
cluesforblues: thanks for replying. sorry to hear about your dad, my dad also died of a brain tumor (and a rare type too) so I'm always scared I'm going to get one even though his symptoms were awful and very obvious something was not right.
I'm so focused on my vision lately and I wish I could stop argh

oldtime: thanks :) i'm only 18 but i feel like im about 81 lately with the way i've been feeling about my eyes lol, its comforting to know i'm not the only one who sees these black dots though. I've found they bother me more as soon as I wake up its so annoying

19-01-12, 09:47
I think that's the problem you have. Like me you have been very close to a condition it's bound to play out with your fear of it. I'm constantly checking my vision etc. I posted only the other day about some symptoms . I try to distract myself and see if they disappear that way I'm pretty sure it's anxiety.
I'm 40 years old it's not easy, you are so young but you must fight it.
Try and motivate yourself it's hard I know but 30 minutes will turn into an hour and so on and soon you will go a whole day without thinking about it.
Take care :)

20-01-12, 00:19
Yeah i've noticed if I don't pay attention to any of my symptoms they're either not there or I notice them and just kind of shrug it off like a normal person would. But when my anxiety is sky high I just seem to be hyper sensitive to everything even though most of the symptoms are probably caused by me worrying about the original problem in the first place *sigh* Just seems like a never ending circle, really hope I can start feeling better soon on my meds.

20-01-12, 09:56
Hi MiniHolly, Just for your own peace of mind have you seen an eye specialist? I have floaters and they are perfectly normal, But an eye specialist will be able to confirm this for you to put your mind at rest.