View Full Version : Just woke up to a panic attack :( After a good day

13-01-12, 02:41
I had a really good day yesterday and did alot of things I havent done in a while including going the gym. But when I was atching telly tonight I felt like I couldn't breathe , thought I had a lung clot but managed to breathe myself though it without telling my hubby. Went to bed, read for a while but then woke up 15 mins ago having a panic attack, heart racing, couldn't breathe , adrenaline rush. Am so miserable now as I've been doing well for a week now and I know I overthought a bit when I went to bed, but didn't think I would end up having one ! Feel like ive let myself down :-( Anyone up at this time ?? xx

13-01-12, 03:27
Hi yes dear I am awake too for the same anxiety symptoms :weep:.......my day was good too....but I'm anxiouse for the past 2weeks.....actually since x-MAS day....my daughter got the flu and that's what started it ......now I'm all paranoid this evening she told me her eye is itchy so now I'm all over the place with my thoughts .....and bad anxiety. :-(((

13-01-12, 03:38
I'm the same hun, been anxious for a few weeks and it hit a peak last week for 2 days when I was really bad an could hrdly function and then I had a really good week and hubby was only saying today how proud he was of me. Had a fab day then wham it hit me tonight!! Hope your feeling a bit better now xx

13-01-12, 03:48
I haven't been sleeping for the past few days so I can't say I'm better but I keep telling myself that it's a feeling and it will pass by....regarding ur self , I'm sure it's the panick symptoms , if you still feel that feeling by tomorrow there is nothing wrong with a small visit to the GP just to be comforted, I hope you will feel better..:D

13-01-12, 06:50
hi, i woke up a couple nights ago in a panic, again like you after a good day, when i awoke, i couldnt think, head was spinning... but i dont beat myself up about it by letting it get me down the next day... i just get up as if it didnt happen.. dwelling on it makes things worse... you havent let yourself down, we all have good and bad days... i think when we have a good day, we cling to the hope we are getting better, then when we slip back, it seems even worse... try not to dwell on it, and concentrate of positive thoughts of having a good day today... xxx

13-01-12, 08:31
Same here I have had a few good days and was really productive yesterday and the day before, tackling some things I have been avoiding, and thus stressing over.

Woke up this morning feeling crap though. Probably only myself to blame - had a few beers last night which I knwo makes me feel rocky and degrades my sleep. Still a lesson learned and all that.

13-01-12, 19:47
Thank you for your replies. Had an up and down day today. Hoping with it being Sat tomorrow I can have a lie in and feel better. So exhausted!!