View Full Version : I realized what's wrong and I really need advice, please :/

13-01-12, 05:01
Hello everyone.

So I've been feeling very crappy lately. Lack of energy, no motivation, can't think straight, laziness, bloatedness, acid reflux, palps and of course anxiousness.

I haven't been going to the bathroom properly in almost 3 weeks now. Meaning that you know, passing my bowels properly :blush: .

Some days I'll go one day for a bit then some days I'll go two days for a bit and then others I just won't go and sometimes I'LL skip a day or two or three! It's never satisfying unfortunately.

My IBS HAS returned with a vengence and it has me terrified now because i realize what maybe causing the anxiety and now I'm terrified that I now have cancer somewhere or that I MAY HAVE A bad/rare disease and that i'm dying beccause of the toxons that has now possibly spread in my body :weep:

Please is there anyone suffer from IBS and are there natural cures or approaches instead of prescription meds.

I know the classic increase fiber but i HAVE to say that I'm a descent eater. Things haven't been great money wise since I go full time to college and work only on weekends, my mom prepares healthy meals which I take to work. I ALSO try to eat at least an apple, banana and orange a day and if I'm not into fruits that day, I just take a Vitamin C tablet.

My only guilty pleasure is french fries and I have a bad habit of eating it one, sometimes twice a week and I do drink a fair amount of soda. So once again thanks for taking the time to read and please if you can help me to resolve this embarrassing issue I'd greatly appreciate it.

My lower stomach feels a bit bloated and it looks fat(I know it sounds weird that I'm a guy complaining about how i LOOK) but I'm 21 and I wanna look slender. Most of my guy friends are slender while others are on the other end but they have really bad diets.

I on the other had who doesn't eat bad for the most part looks like I have a 3 month old in my belly.

13-01-12, 14:59
I had the exact same problem, and OTC stool softeners and fiber powder pretty much solved it for me! The fiber, you just mix into a hot beverage in the morning and enjoy. :) Hot cereal (i.e., oatmeal) in the morning also helps.

13-01-12, 16:11

Here are a couple of things to try:

1) Use a fiber supplement every morning (like Vivi said). Personally I use Benefiber. It is tasteless so can be mixed into any kind of drink.

2) Try adding a probiotic to your diet. You can eat/drink different types of Yogurt (like Activia/Dan Active) or you can take one in pill form (Culturele).

13-01-12, 19:35
Thanks for the replies and advise guys. I really appreciate yu taking the time to reply.

I guess i'll have to do that instead. Was hoping for a more natural approach but w/e.

I'LL GIVE IT A GO!:yesyes:

13-01-12, 21:22
Was hoping for a more natural approach

Well it sounds like you are eating a lot of fruit, but what about vegetables? Try eating a lot more veggies. Also maybe drink some V8 if you can get that. That might help you in a more natural way.

Finally you said you wanted to lose weight. What has worked for me is a) tracking the calories you eat and b) exercise. Exercise is great for losing weight and for anxiety!!!