View Full Version : My whole body thuds with every heart beat

13-01-12, 17:29
I can feel my heart pounding in my chest so much so my whole body if Im still will move with my heart beat. I'm petrified!! I'm only 28. Is this normal, I notice it when I'm not worried or stressed. I'm really scared. Please help!

13-01-12, 22:12

13-01-12, 22:22
Hi Lelespears
I am 24 and have suffered from health anxiety for just over a year, my heart pounds that hard or that quick some times that all my chest does shake, even my back shakes and my arms as well and am sure my jaw does too, however that might just be me tensing up!
Best way i get over this now is try not focus on it, i know its the hardest thing to do and at first i would focus on it get all worked up and head straight over to hospital, now i get that feeling maybe twice a day on a good day and i just let it past usually takes upto an hour but it does eventually pass! making a hot chocolate putting a hot water bottle on and resting in bed helps me at this time of night if it starts happening!
Hope you feel better soon
All the best

14-01-12, 01:18
I get that quite a lot. If i have a hot bath and then lay on the bed i can see my belly jumping with my heartbeat. And, yes, it can also happen when i have any kind of anxiety attack. So, yep... completely normal. You can strike that one off your worry list! :yesyes:

14-01-12, 08:14
Thank you guys!

Does it also make u feel a little dizzy & breathless?

Lele x

14-01-12, 10:37
Dizzyness and breathless symptons are also very common signs of anxiety!

You would be amazed at how many different symptons you feel in your chest, the fast rate doesnt usually bother me to much now and i hardly get any symptons, but sometimes when i feel like my heart is thuding (like it feels like its a big bang beat continously) very central through my chest i do get dizzy and breatless but i think its because i start concentrating on it and putting my hand over my chest feeling my heart :wacko:!
Have you had any test done to show that your symptons are anxiety related and not a heart condition?
Hope your feeling better today! x

14-01-12, 10:54
My heart beats fast all the time, I'm gonna mention it to the doc again see if I can get an ECG.

14-01-12, 12:25
Is it possible even though I dont really feel anxious? I've never had any tests on my heart.

Lele x

14-01-12, 12:33
To be honest i never felt anxious when my first symtpons started, they just hit me and hit me hard!
Have you seen your GP about your symptons? I would recommend you defo see your GP get all serious conditions struck off then you know what you are dealing with! Also if its still bad today fast and thuding hard you can also take a trip to your local A+E they will run bloods and do a ECG and give you peace of mind if its nothing serious. x

14-01-12, 14:19
I wonder if it's to do with hormones.. Ovulation or periods.