View Full Version : Breathless for 2 days

13-01-12, 17:46
Hi All, I really need help today I have been feeling breathless and weak for 2 days now, even during the night I kept waking short if breath, I'm scared to go to bed tonight. I'm not wheezing and don't have a cough my nose is constantly blocked though pne nostril keeps blocking up completly. I know I'm making myself worse by thinking about, I keep trying to distract myself but it's not going, I havent eaten properly for 2 days just had cereal and toast. My muscles are weak and sore too. Any advice would be appreciated guys thank you.

13-01-12, 18:20
Hi All, I really need help today I have been feeling breathless and weak for 2 days now, even during the night I kept waking short if breath, I'm scared to go to bed tonight. I'm not wheezing and don't have a cough my nose is constantly blocked though pne nostril keeps blocking up completly. I know I'm making myself worse by thinking about, I keep trying to distract myself but it's not going, I havent eaten properly for 2 days just had cereal and toast. My muscles are weak and sore too. Any advice would be appreciated guys thank you.

As you probably know, breathlessness is such a common symptom of anxiety. I have had it for weeks and thinking about it makes it worse. When people get anxious, the body thinks it is under threat. When this happens stress hormones are released into the blood stream which has a direct affect on your muscles. The muscles in your chest and in your throat can get tense, which will give you a feeling of breathlessness or a feeling that you can't fully expand your chest or lungs.
I don't want to worry you but it is always a good idea to talk about this symptom with your doctor, just in case. But if you are someone who worries a lot, this is just anxiety playing one of it's nasty tricks..I know how you feel.

13-01-12, 18:28
Thank you sebinkent, your probably right just anxiety playing its nasty tricks. I just got really scared with waking in the night breathless. I think it must be anxiety as even though I'm really breathless and weak I've still done all the housework today, I actually feel like I can't keep still and my neck and shoulders are very tense. I'm going to try to have an early night and hopefully get some sleep. If I still have it tomorrow I'm going to call NHS direct for advice, thanks again.

13-01-12, 18:37
Calling NHS direct would be a good idea, or even seeing your doctor, only to put your mind at rest. It is highly unlikely that your breathlessness is down to a physical problem and waking in the night feeling anxious is also very common. The subconscious mind is still very much awake when you're asleep and you can still worry, which is why so many people wake up in the morning feeling anxious.
Good luck! :)

14-01-12, 09:39
hi ann
how are you feeling today?
breathlessness can be caused by anxiety but if you are still feeling rough ring the doc.
i only say this cos i was like it back last year and especially when i walked etc, i had a chest infection ! i like you had no cough etc and couldnt believe it when he said i had this but apparently it can happen like that.
anyway i was given some anti biotics and it cleared up within a day or two.
hope you are feeling better today.

14-01-12, 21:03
Hi Rach thank you, I am a little better today, still a little breathless but not as bad, I did actually manage to sleep I slept for 13 hours last night which is very unlike me, my muscles in my legs are still sore, I think I may have something lingering other than my anxiety as I do feel unusually tired. If its not completly home by Monday I will go to the doctors, thanks again.