View Full Version : How can I stop this! It's driving me mad!

13-01-12, 19:01
I can't watch hospital program's as if anyone is I'll I automatically think I am going to get it. Anyone I know or hear about I also worry about. Someone I knew died recently and now in worried I am going to die of the same thing. A brain thing. I worry about getting every illness possible. It stops me from doing loads of stuff. In 16 had to drop out of college and never go out with my friends without my mum. Help!!!!!

13-01-12, 19:09
Well I'm 42 and I don't watch Doctor shows, period. No big deal - it doesn't affect my life. However the dropping out of college part and the not being able to hang out with friends - that seems to really be affecting your life!

Have you thought about seeking help - like talking to a therapist?

13-01-12, 19:14
I have started cbt but wondered if anyone had any tips. As my parents are getting quite annoyed with me keep saying oh my god I'm so worried about getting this and that!

14-01-12, 00:50
You've done the right thing by seeing a therapist. CBT is very good for health anxiety. The only other thing I can suggest is to turn the channel over if anything comes up on the tv about illnesses and definitely don't 'Google' illnesses and check for symptoms online - I know I did it - big mistake...

14-01-12, 09:03
I have had similar problems and whenever I hear about someone's disease i get fully convinced that i will also aquire the disease. However, you should bear in mind that these thoughts are just obsessions created due to some chemical imbalance in your mind.
I am taking medicines now (SSRI), and believe me you will get your life back. CBT is also very important so continue with that.
All the best!

14-01-12, 09:11
Your young and im sure you are not going to get ill or die from anything.. you should be out having fun with friends, you need to distract yourself from too much overthinking... i can see that knowing someone that has died would have a big effect on how you are thinking, but in no way does that mean it will happen to you.. CBT will hopefully help with this.. goodluck.x

14-01-12, 09:32
hello kimberley
sorry to hear your going through this hun.i can relate to everything you've explained,i cant watch any programs with illnesses and i cant even read stories in magazines with people ill.this sounds silly but i remember watching emmerdale one night and the little boy had a fit well i went to bed an though i was swallowing my tongue it really scared me but once again its just our minds "overthinking" nothing willhappen i can assure you.i hope your feeling better soon katyx

14-01-12, 10:24
I have had similar problems and whenever I hear about someone's disease i get fully convinced that i will also aquire the disease. However, you should bear in mind that these thoughts are just obsessions created due to some chemical imbalance in your mind.
I am taking medicines now (SSRI), and believe me you will get your life back. CBT is also very important so continue with that.
All the best!

What medication are you taking I have been prescribed fluoxetine but I'm too scared to take it.