View Full Version : Ever had a break down?

13-01-12, 21:08
I broke down last night. I've broken down many times before, but this was different. It wasn't a panic attack...it was a full blown, can't do this anymore break down. I was searching online for information regarding test results that I had (I didn't like the way the nurse worded what she told me). I wasn't having any luck with my search, which is unusual. I promised myself (and my husband) that I was only going to search for a few minutes. That turned into 2 hours and I started crying because I couldn't find anything relevant. My husband said he was glad that I couldn't find anything and that set me competely off. I threw my iPad across the room and ran towards the door. I just had to get out of the house. My husband stopped me and said I wasn't going anywhere. I sobbed into his chest and tried to push him out of the way. When he wouldn't budge, I collapsed onto the floor screaming and crying that I can't take this anxiety anymore. I cried and screamed for a really long time.

I've never had a breakdown like that before. I've had panic attacks and I've shed lots of tears, but that was my first real break.

Has anyone had something similar? I think if my husband would have let me out I would have just driven for hours and hours, who knows where I would have ended up.

13-01-12, 21:14
I felt something similar very recently. I'm just coming off of a bad HA relapse - at first I thought my heart was bad, then I thought I had HIV, then cancer. I'm still not out of the woods but I'm feeling a little better. Anyway I got to the point where I was pretty much in tears, telling my family that I just know that "something bad" was going to happen.

I talked to a good friend of mine at work and he suggested that I go to a therapist and try anti-anxiety medication. I have always resisted that in the past, but I feel like I've hit rock bottom again and I don't want to keep going through this anymore.

Anyway I'm going tomorrow for my first appointment. I'm just putting this out there so you know you are not alone and also maybe my decision process might help you, because I feel like I have some hope now. My friend has been on Duloxetine and he feels that it has changed his life. He also commented that the side effects have been very few.

13-01-12, 22:23
Yeah, I have.

5 years ago. Never thought i'd make it this far. God the pain I have been through. But I am here.

I remember cracking up in front of my mother saying how I was really scared. I had just come back from walking my dog one morning and during the walk I was having thoughts of raping people and stabbing them. I got back and lost it in front of my mum. I spent 2 hours watching my favourite movie trying to take my mind off it.

I'm much better now. Still not 100%, but I get through it. As will you. You are too strong.

14-01-12, 13:51
Yes, I've had this when my anxiety peaks....where I just get so full of anxiety I feel like I am going to explode.... sometimes i've even thought ''i'd be better off dead, then i would no longer suffer this mental torture!'' which is ironic, in view of my fear of death...goes to show how bad anxiety can make us feel is death can be seen as 'relief'.

sometimes, we feel we are going insane, even when we have understanding people around us...even sometimes they don't get it (which is normal if they've not been through it) and when that happens we feel so alone.

wishing you happier days.

14-01-12, 14:12
Yes Im sure I had a breakdown a few months ago...my intrusive thoughts would not cease,I was crying all the time and had this awful dread that someone close to me was going to die a horrible death.....I became obsessed about my daughters school trip to France...and could barely sleep for the worry
Im positive it was seeing my mum have a seizure that triggered off my panic attacks and obsessional thoughts.I knew it was becoming uncontrollable,because I could not function and was scared of everything...I,d also begun to neglect myself...not wash or brush my teeth....everything became a big effort,till it all became too much and I broke down and cried for hours....
if I hadnt have gone to the doctors when I did,god knows where I,d be.

"Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow. It only saps today of its joy." -Leo Buscaglia