View Full Version : Aaargh...Just wish I could break the negative thinking habit...

13-01-12, 22:23
I know I do it, thought I'd cracked it, but alas, in recent weeks the habit is back with vengeance and I'm struggling to remember what I need to do to break the habit again.
Please can anyone remind me...and tell me why could this negative thinking be back???

13-01-12, 22:32
Any number of reasons can trigger it..you can be seemingly well for months, then it hits... if youve lived with it for years, then its not something thats going to go just like that... For example i dont have panic attacks anymore... i still have 'attacks' but i dont panic! you cant control an attack, but you can control your response... with negative thoughts, i dont pay them the attention they want... i just think yeah whatever, and then think of something else or go do something... these thoughts only have power if we give them power, the more importance you give them, the longer they linger and keep coming back in your mind...

13-01-12, 23:05
Thanks for your reply Stormsky.
I can see what you mean about giving the thoughts power, they are taking over my waking hours some days recently, just like they did 18 months ago...and I thought I'd kicked them into touch with the thought records I'd been doing...
I don't intentionally give them attention, they stand to attention and it feels I don't have any say at present.
How strange to be talking about thoughts as though they are a tangible object...!

14-01-12, 20:58
Its a constant battle for me as well, I feel for you, its a difficult habit to break and even when you think you have done it they sometimes come back.

Every self help book I read say how it takes constant repetition over a long time to create ware down and create stronger brain paths of positive thoughts. So that the negative thought paths become overgrown and unused.

I don't know when the negative thoughts get overpowered, I'll let you know when I get there.