View Full Version : Feel devastated by friends' comments

14-01-12, 00:01
Not been here for a while but always looking in.
Winter is v bad time for me, I use a sad light and various natural remedies to get by. This week started not great but working has helped me get thru. BUT today one friend said something really upset me, she asked if I had had any illnesses? As if I'm always ill, she often says things like that so over the last year I just decided to pull away as I would never say something like that to some one. She would say 'u r always ill' and stuff. I have problems with allergies and sinuitis which were always hanging around.
Then another friend said something else and I just feel that all people think these things.
I know I am v sensitive but it just makes me feel like I can't trust anyone & v let down by people I thought I could trust. They r all judging me and I do not have any true friends.
Does anyone feel plagued by feelings like this pls?

14-01-12, 00:20
I understand what you are going through, I have felt isolated and had no one I could trust and kept things bottled up which is so stressful but not knowing where to turn for help. Some people are insensitive and also, if they have never had to go through such an illness they just don't understand how their comments can be so hurtful.

14-01-12, 17:33
I was standing at the bus stop the other day and someone I new--- by saying hello to-- and she asked me if I wanted to join some sort of club --for the life of me I cannot remember what it was!!!! anyway I said NO. I just said I have a phobia of mixing with people and anxiety. She just stared at me , so I said nothing and got on the bus. I felt awful really because if I had said YES I would never have turned up because I would be a nervous wreck thinking about it all day.
Now some people would think What a miserable git. But I promise you I am not.
It's just how I am and I cannot help it, if I know I have to be somewhere that I cannot get out of,--I have to take medication.
If I go out with my friend I am ok because she knows me, as for groups --no way
I don't feel guilty at all

14-01-12, 18:15
Dont ever feel guilty for the way you feel, or like you have to justify yourself. Its very easy for others to make comments and pass judgement and expect so much of others, but they are not walking your path in your shoes.
A true friend/colleague/aquaintance will accept you as you are and treat you with respect.

14-01-12, 23:13
Thanks crystal that really helps. The last 24 hours have been not great and I cried again tonight but I know I will be better soon. Everybody thinks I am v bubbly and outgoing, I am not really, it's all a how: I am good at that. And I worry about most things I say.