View Full Version : My heart was beating weird

14-01-12, 13:58
I just woke up and my heart was beating weird.

It was like fluttering .

I'm sooooo worried . I dont want to get a heart attack ;(

I didnt go to bed till 4 am.
And I just woke up and I'm wide awake again.

I'm so sick of this anxiety.

I've been on Zoloft for 3 days now , and I feel so weird on it. I feel lazy. Icant leave my couch. I feel scared, depressed, worried.

I feel like going crazy and punching a hole in my wall because I just want to be NORMAL !!!!

Why did my heart do that?????? Ugh!!! This is scary . :(((

14-01-12, 14:03
On this forum you will find loads of people with the same issue, this being my main concern now too. My heart skips alot. I would always check with your dr if this is something new for you. But almost always, it is an anxiety symptom. Had mine for 4 eyars now and they go on and off, but my heart will either skip a beat, beat hard or flutter...and I hate it!

14-01-12, 14:06
I used to get this daily, but I learned to ignore it and hardly ever feel it now. Saying that, it used to scare the hell out of me.

If you've had it checked out, then rest assured that it's nothing. The heart is a muscle, so it sometimes does stuff that we can feel, just like other muscles. :)

14-01-12, 14:12
Yeah thanks for the reassurance everyone.
I am just terrified of doctors. I just hate going to them, because in afraid he will tell me something bad .

I just cant stop worrying. I am so scared of dying .
Just watching movies and people get heart attacks, scare me so much.
How scary and sudden the death is . I can't stop playing the thoughts in my head over and over again .

My thoughts seem so real. And im so scared and worried. ;(