View Full Version : Self-hypnosis for anxiety

14-01-12, 16:34
I am thinking of trying this myself and I just wondered if anyone has tried this and had any benefits ?

14-01-12, 16:57
not sure what you mean by self hynosis? i did a course years ago in autogenic training, which teaches you to put yourself into a meditative state of complete relaxion...sort of at the point where you are just about to sleep.. i did it over 20yrs ago, and still use the technique if i cant get to sleep..

14-01-12, 17:34
From what I understand it's similar to hypnosis only you do it yourself using positive affirmations whilst in a type of meditative/relaxed state, it influences the sub-concious to over ride anxieties etc..

14-01-12, 17:44
Got to be worth a go then surely.x.

14-01-12, 18:28
I haven't properly tried this myself yet but just wanted to say anything is worth a try and can only be helpful.
I downloaded a confidence mp3 the other day and that gives you a self hypnosis bit on there although I'm not sure if I'm doing it right as I don't really know what I am meant to feel?

It's all good though so is definitely worth trying x