View Full Version : Fear of having CPVT, anyone else?

14-01-12, 16:51
I can swear every time my heart palpitates it feels like it's on it's way to cardiac arrest. The main symptom of CPVT is fainting during stress or exercise before age 20, being that I'm 25 now and never having had a fainting spell I guess I'm in the clear there. Anyone else have the specific fear of having CPVT, or any other kind of electrical problem with your heart that you feel the ECG's have missed? Anyone else get palpitations that make you so dizzy you need to sit down (but never actually fainted)? Again, like most people here, I've had my heart checked by a doctor numerous times, they keep telling me I'm in the clear.

14-01-12, 17:10
Whats CPVT? I'm not going to google as I will read too much and think I have it.

I get palpitations alot, spoken to a couple of doctors about it and they aren't concerned, but like you I also worry its about to turn into cardiac arrest.