View Full Version : Having a bad day

14-01-12, 17:31
My anxiety has been high over the past week but had been awful today. I had the hospital with my baby son for an MRI during the week ( part of his follow up care) so I am aware this Is the reason for my increased anxiety.

Worried about baby and worried about myself also. Very aware of my left breast today. No definate lumps found but obsessing over breast cancer again. It feels pins and needles like. And i made the mistake of googling. Also, I've had piles since delivery and,..... Well no need to spell out what I'm thinking about that !

Just wish this continuous worry would stop. It's so draining and is making me feel so low. I dont want to go back to gp with my new worries. She's very sympathetic but im aware they will be thinking "not her again! "

Any advice please?

14-01-12, 18:17
If you feel you want to go to docs, then go.. thats what they are there for...and if shes very sympathetic then your lucky to have a doc like that, alot are not.. I dont have children, but im sure hormones etc and worry are normal if you recently had a child...im sure people better placed to advise will post..:)

14-01-12, 20:28
Hi Allie! I can totally sympathise with you on this. My son had to be taken to hospital at 3 days old and my first memories of being a new mother was sitting in a children's ward over xmas. Once he was up a bit and thriving, i turned my obsessive worry onto myself and, like you, I focus alot on lumps and bumps in my breast....but my health anxieties shifted, like yours, which should reassure you it is anxiety and nothing more sinister. I would go to the doctors and explain your fears. It could be post natal depression/anxiety or it could be simply be the fact that you have a child that is relying on you to look after it and you feel an immense pressure to always be there for him and fear something taking you away from him (that's how i felt anyway!). See your GP. They've seen many women that have experienced the same fears i'm sure, after having a baby. Just get it adressed sooner rather than later and get back to enjoying being a mother.