View Full Version : Didn't Realise That A Smear Doesn't Test the Ovaries

14-01-12, 17:38
I recently found out that when you have a smear test it does not cover the ovaries, just the cervix. The 75 year old Aunt has Ovarian cancer and her first symptoms was back ache, she is basically terminal and its so sad. I am now paranoid. I get back ache in my lower back all the time but always put it down to strain from lifting things etc, now its across the centre of my back along where my bra strap sits. Having been talking about my Aunt with my Mum I have terrified myself now that there is something underlying.

My biggest sirprise and I know I may seem a bit thick but i never realised that a smear test doesn't cover the ovaries? Scared now :unsure:

14-01-12, 18:19
Ovarian cancer is extremely rare in women under 50. How old are you? Lower back pain can be caused by so many things, many of them harmless and nothing to worry about. Just hormonal changes due to menstrual cycle can cause it. See how it is in a week, then if it hasnt gone maybe got to see your gp and explain the concerns re family history.

14-01-12, 18:54
I went through an OC scare about a year ago... I asked for an ultrasound of my ovaries/pelvic region. That combined with a pelvic exam at your gynecologist should put your mind at ease. I was also told how rare it was for women under 50 to get OC. But I swore I had it because I had all the symptoms.. Low back ache, stomach issues, ect. Turns out after so many tests doctor put it all down to IBS.

15-01-12, 05:13
I got told that ovarian cancer was rare in women under 50s too. my doctor was very surprised when I spilled to her one time that I think I could have ovarian cancer, she was adament that I didnt have it and so I take her word for it.

If you have tests and they all come back clear then doctors do diagnose IBS. I was diagnosed with IBS with what you call would be worrying symptoms like over 5 years ago and I am still here still alive and not any less unwell than I was then.

Even though my doctor has referred me to get tested for endometriosis but that is only because I suddenly become unwell during that time of the month with strong pain and it affects me with work and stuff like that.