View Full Version : dunno whats wrong with me ??

14-01-12, 17:48
been anxious/panicky now for 6days !! the first day i had a bad bubbly stomach i mean really loud and just constant bubbling giving me this sickly feeling which carried on then yesterday i got this sickly heavy feeling just below my ribs in the center right across and if i eat it makes me feel so sickly for a while now day 3 i had this raw stinging type feeling inside my stomach mainly just below my ribs like it had been on fire, this morning i still have that sickly feeling just below my ribs :( just don't no what to do its making me feel so depressed

Today the bubbling has settled a lot to what it has been the past few days but still have this tight horrible belly feeling and every time i eat i get a sickly or i mean nausea come all over me its mainly just below ribs or sitting just on top of my belly button and its getting me really worried now

anyone else ever suffered like this and this long ?? people say its acid / IBS etc

21-01-12, 23:45
don't worry i get the same thing when my anxiety kicks in...it just keeps bubbling and turning but its only anxiety.... try to relax or drink calming teas. :)