View Full Version : Brain zaps!!

14-01-12, 19:17
Hi has anyone had these brain zaps!! its like a electric shock that runs through ur head, only lasts a few seconds then goes, stress levels are moderate to high (as always) anxiety is the same!! the shooting sensation kinda runs up past my left ear and up into my head, doesnt happen all the time, but when it does it kinda worries me a little. I'm pretty sure i've had these before but was asking if anyone else has or suffered from them to.

Thanks xx

14-01-12, 19:18
yep ive had them...

14-01-12, 19:28
I get them too - they are harmless

14-01-12, 19:33
There are scary, horibble sensation as well, is this all part of anxiety/stress?

14-01-12, 20:49
I don't know if it is stress related, but I know it is normal ... I get them too. I used to get them a lot more frequently when I was on one type of birth control pill, and when I switched they lessened in frequency ... but I still get them, have for years.

14-01-12, 20:54
Yes, I got them frequently some years ago and in my case they were hormone related.

14-01-12, 21:21
Hi thanks for ur comments, i'm not on OC anymore havent been for over a year now, i'm kinda guessing its anxiety thats what i'm hoping anyway, I dont want to give my thoughts cause to think otherwise!

I does worry me cant help it :( but i'm trying to think rational and hope this is all part of anxiety related symptoms.

15-01-12, 08:53
Yep I get them, its neuralgia!! Horrible and painful! I get when really stressed!!!