View Full Version : For those with panic/anx who went back to work

paula lynne
14-01-12, 23:06
Hello all, long time! I could really use some advice from those of you who have suffered with panic attacks/anxiety/agoraphobia who made the decision to return to work.

Ive had anxiety and severe panic for 11 years, which quickly developed into agoraphobia. I was a neurosurgical nurse, then nurse teacher before I became ill. Im 41 now, and take no meds, have realised my anxiety and panic are linked to my periods. Im ill from ovulation to bleed. Then I have a good 2 weeks when my sensations seem to really subside, and I feel like I can cope, I feel almost "normal"...like I am well again.

Ive been thinking about returning to work part-time, as a nursing auxillary, doing bank work. That way, I can pick my hours and I can choose to work when Im having my good 2 weeks. Its a massive step. My biggest fear is letting people down, not turning up because I feel funny, plus the worry of having anx and panic whilst at work.

Can anyone share any experiences of returning to work please? How did you know the time was right? Did you tell your employer, and is that mandatory? Have you got ill at work because of anxiety and panic and how did you cope? And......is it worth the stress??? I mean, I will actually loose money going back to work. I just dont know if its worth the risk, or all the stress :shrug: Then again, I feel like Im wasting away just being at home......:weep: I love being a mum and wfe, but Ive got this brain and I think its time I pushed my boundaries and expanded my comfort zone......Ive actually got palpatations just writing this!!! Any advice would be appreciated, thanks so much! :)

Hi to all my old pals and a wave to new members :emot-wave:
Paula x

14-01-12, 23:55
The fact you are thinking of returning shows you the time maybe right for you... getting into a work routine can really be a benefit, we all need to feel worthwhile... part time sounds a sensible start too..

15-01-12, 17:49
hi lovely Paula :)

I think this a wonderful idea .........truly do . WE need caring folk like you back on the wards !!
Also think that once a true nurse .always a nurse . Your posts shine with wanting to care and help.
anyway guess it is best to be upfront about why you had to leave nursing through anxiety at that time . No need to say much in detail . It is more common than we think Paula. I have two colleagues who have had bad times and returned to work as health care assistants . They have not looked back since .
They love their work and accept lower pay gladly to get rid of the grinding pressure that caused their breakdown in first place .
I would advise that in the beginning you take on shorter shifts to begin with .
Evening or twilight shifts maybe ? or mornings. Then you can brace yourself when scared as naturally you will be at first that you can and will get through it . Bet you love it Paula .

one other idea is to contact Macmillan or Marie Curie re home nursing or in one of their day care centres ...especially with your knowledge of aromatherapy and stress reducing tips . However I do realise that cancer care is not for us all with memories that hurt . These places are not doom and gloom though .very upbeat actually in the day centres :hugs:
You would be a diamond there .

just some thoughts Paula .............but yes .........go girl go .........when you are ready
and of course if you are bank staff you can decline any work if not well as long as you do a set amount each month . You can use that for when you feel good .

love and hugs
snowy xx

paula lynne
16-01-12, 10:39
Thank you both. x Yes, I agree that if Im thinking about it, maybe it is the right time for me x
Snowy, my lovely mate :hugs:
Brilliant advice, lots for me to think about x
What you said about accepting lower pay to escape the grinding pressure that made me ill hit the nail very hard on the head, youre very observant! It was exactly like that......x I will put the feelers out, and see how things go. Hugs, much love, and positive thoughts lovely lady x

Thank you Annette and Louis for my PMs x