View Full Version : I hate it when Doctors say 'What are you anxious about?'

14-01-12, 23:59
I hate this phrase. 'What are you anxious about?'

Anyone get annoyed by this whenever someone says it I just want to scream 'Well it's my health!' I know people can't understand what your thinking all the time but this phrase just gets to me.


15-01-12, 01:38
I think it's a standard response!!!! I've said once before in anxious about being anxious and my dr and I both pissed ourselves laughing!

15-01-12, 02:15
haha ye, seems like they just can't wrap there head around it, sometimes i wanna go to the doctors with an F-ing list

15-01-12, 02:48
my personal most hated one is "what do you think we should do?" I mean really you spent 5 years at medical school and god knows how many other years finishing the rest of it to ask someone who isn't a doctor how they would solve the problem?

15-01-12, 03:47
my personal most hated one is "what do you think we should do?" I mean really you spent 5 years at medical school and god knows how many other years finishing the rest of it to ask someone who isn't a doctor how they would solve the problem?

That happened to my Uncle. He had the flu and was stuck in bed for a week. My Aunt called a Doctor who came and asked my Uncle.

'And what do you think is wrong.'

:scared15: My Uncle was really angry about that!

15-01-12, 04:04
i think its maybe to see how u respond or something im not too sure, i just said i was scared a gang of sheep where coming to get me O.o

15-01-12, 05:08
My doctor always tells me to not worry so much. I get this response because everytime she sends me for tests I always question it and ask if she thinks there is nothing to worry about.

I dont think ive had a doctor who aske me what I think I should do or asking what am I anxious about.

15-01-12, 10:16
My doctor also asked me 'what do want to do' to which I responded 'I would like to rule out physical causes for my symptoms' to which he responded 'ok we will refer you for an MRI' which of course sent me into extreme manic mode

15-01-12, 15:19
I hate this phrase. 'What are you anxious about?'

Anyone get annoyed by this whenever someone says it I just want to scream 'Well it's my health!' I know people can't understand what your thinking all the time but this phrase just gets to me.

Too right. Why can't doctors read you mind? They're paid enough!!