View Full Version : Skin Cancer

15-01-12, 00:26

I've had health anxiety for years now but was only recently diagnosed by a psychologist. I've been really good for the past six months but have had a turn recently. It all started new years day after a rather nasty sun burn (I'm in Sydney Australia) which is fairly uncommon for me because I try to be sun smart. I started freaking about skin cancer (in particular melanoma) and went to my gp to get checked. She said they all looked fine (I have quite a few and to just monitor them like usual.) Well good ole health anxiety wouldn't let me believe this so off to another doctor I go. This doctor completely freaked me out, said he couldn't diagnose and that it was irresponsible of my gp to say they were fine, he lectured me on how dangerous melanoma was and sent me away scared as hell. He then referred me to a dermatologist who unfortunately can't see me for weeks which just wouldn't do. I scheduled an appointment with a skin cancer clinic (luckily I got in straight away due to a cancellation) and went along for the check up. He checked me completely and said all was good, there wansnt anything suspicious and sent me on my merry way (with a regular check up in 12 months). This sufficed for a few days but ha got me again, I started thinking about a few moles that maybe the first doctor and the doctor at the clinic missed, so after a further two trips to another doctor in the same clinic I've now had every mole, freckle, etc that I can think of check by at least one doctor. I should be happy but im not, I'm still convinced I'm going to end up with cancer, that these doctors have missed something. The doc's (with the exception of the one who referred me to a derm) have been extremely helpful.

Can a gp properly diagnose skin cancer? I've heard bad things about skin cancer clinics, I checked the doctors credentials though, he's a doctor (gp) with a diploma in dermatology. I know deep down this is ha and the "what if" thoughts it's just hard to stop the cycle some times! :weep:


15-01-12, 00:39
Hey, I would trust the doctors on this one. They are trained in being able to spot a mole that looks worrying, so just protect your skin and be mindful of your moles from now on.

It probably was set off by that bad sunburn so try to let it go if you can and not think that it has jeapordised your health. If you were checked by a skin cancer clinic then I'd say its all good and believe them. And enjoy the sun :D (safely obviously lol)