View Full Version : irregular periods, fatigue, irritable

15-01-12, 01:56
i had my daughter on nov 25th of 2010 got a mirina put in at my 6 week check up, had nothing but problems with it the whole time i had it in, i fought with the dr for 3 months to take it out...n finally got her to take it out-but almost a year after having it removed i am still having extremely irregular periods, go from spotting to bleading thru a tampon in less than an hour, to hardly needing a panty liner, back to bleeding heavy, and can last anywere from 3 days to 3 weeks...the last week and a half i have been extremely tired, hardly being able to push my self to keep the house half way picked up with 3 kids i can normally keep up, but have recently been failing cuz i have no energy and is extremely tired, i have trouble falling asleep, and when the alarm goes off to get my oldest to school, i have no health insurance to go to the dr, not that any of the drs around were i live would do anything but tell me that its nothing...someone please help me

15-01-12, 08:48
I had the Marina coil, It made me completely loopy!! The dr didnt understand why as it has a small amount of hormone! But my body didnt like it!
I had an infection after it was first fitted and bled constantly for a month until they realised and gave me antibiotics! The periods never went light and I didnt feel normal!!

I just wanted it out, I wnet back up the dr's and refused to leave until it was removed. I immediately felt better, it was like my body didnt like thos foreign object in my body!! Since I have had removed though, my periods are irregular, I am so tired and have really bad mood swings!! I have blood tests which are all normal!!

I too dont know what else t do!! but your not on your own!! xx