View Full Version : heart flutter???????//////

15-01-12, 04:22
ok, getting really panikcy now, im very tired and was just reading my claire weekes book, when i got like a heart flutter, it felt like my heart was in spasm! then it went.. no pain... :s is this normal?

15-01-12, 04:59

I have them daily. They are palpitations and come as a symptom of anxiety. I don't know your history but mine are harmless. They can be quite scary. Just try and remain calm and breath through it. This is my experience with them.

15-01-12, 10:17
I also get these dailly and often become obsessed with my heart rate and rhythm when feeling highly anxious. Try not to worry about them they are normal and happen to most people dailly, anxious or not. Just seems people with anxiety notice them more whilst others seem more accepting of them and simply ignore them.

15-01-12, 13:25
it was weird... like a low rumbling... like a train coming to a stop!! you's get these??

15-01-12, 15:55
yip and many other sensations similar. i do notice them more when im tired or recovering after exercise, maybe just the heart slowing itself back down.

15-01-12, 17:41
I get them too, for about 4 years now. The go on and off again, but now on again...they suck and no matter how long you have them, they are still hard to get used to!

15-01-12, 17:45
I go through periods of getting this, sometimes a few a day, and now I haven't had one in 6 months or more. They are a symptom of anxiety/excitement. Always good to mention it to your GP the next time you are in his/her office, just to make sure they agree it's normal.

15-01-12, 18:59
ok, getting really panikcy now, im very tired and was just reading my claire weekes book, when i got like a heart flutter, it felt like my heart was in spasm! then it went.. no pain... :s is this normal?

It's one of the most common symptoms of anxiety and stress - it doesn't mean you have a heart problem. I had them all the time when I was really anxious about my health a couple of weeks ago. I had a CT scan of my chest and the radiologists look at any abnormalities of the heart and all the arteries and blood vessels around it. Everything was normal despite my heart feeling like it skips beats and pounds in my chest sometimes. So palpitations and irregular beats can be totally harmless, particularly if you are young and have no history of heart disease in your family..

15-01-12, 19:31
ye i suppose your ryt.. it just this one was weird, just a rumbling, spasm .. weird kind of flutter? is that what a flutter is?

15-01-12, 20:24
read this page on here it may help reassure you - http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/palpitations/