View Full Version : Why do some people get taken so young?

15-01-12, 08:39
Hello all,

I am having a major panic.

I found out from some old work colleagues that a 24 yr old girl that worked at my old place collapsed outside and died on Tuesday!!

They said she was younf, fit & healthy!!

Its so sad, I didnt kow her but cant stop thinking about it! Now I am panicking it will happen to me or a memeber of my family or one of my friends!!

In fact it did hapen to my cousin, she was 21, didnt drink, smoke was fit. She went on a night out with friends and stayed round her friends, when having breakfast she just died at the table!! Why does this happen?!?!?

Its been playing on my mind for yrs and then you hear of footballers dyong on the pitch!! I dont get it when they are so fit and healthy!!

I am so petrified of dying and dying young I cant cope!!

Please someone talk some sense into me!! xxx

15-01-12, 11:58
Yes, this does sometimes happen, but it's not the norm. If you think of the few people you know of who have died young, and compare them to the many you know that haven't, you will see that it's not too common. I know it's easy to say, but try not to worry too much about it, as the odds say that you have many years to go. x

macc noodle
15-01-12, 11:58
Hi loonerj

I guess the sad fact of life is that people do sometimes die young and suddenly and without any apparent reason (ie., they seem fit and healthy).

The problem is when you suffer anxiety is that you are drawn to such anecdotal evidence as proof positive that it will definitely happen to you to and then you spend all your time trying to avoid the "young death" you so fear, which in turn makes you more anxious which then gives you physical sensations that make you even more scared.

Now that is the sense bit!!!!!

However when you are worried about your own health it is very hard to rationalise these very sad stories in the sense that people not anxious are able to do.

For example how many young people do you know that have not died?

How many millions of young people are there in the uk that have not died?

We only get to hear the sad stories because they are sad and unusual - imagine the newspaper headline "MILLIONS OF HEALTHY YOUNG PEOPLE IN UK LIVING NORMAL HAPPY HEALTHY LIVES!"

Do you see what I am saying? It makes sense doesn't it?

Go see your GP and tell them about your anxiety and ask if there is any counselling or therapy you can access to free you from this worry.

15-01-12, 15:40
Thank you that has helped me!!

I will take your advice!!
