View Full Version : Ultrasound Wednesday

15-01-12, 14:52
I got my appt through for my Ultasound on wed, and I am absolutely scared stiff.

I'm going because I'd been having bleeding after intercourse which doctor says is down to a cervical erosion and she did and internal exam which all felt normal, but to be on the safe side she has sent me for a scan.

I don't know why I put myself through it, I was worried before I went to the doctors about Cervical Cancer and she put my mind at rest but now I'm absoloutely petrified the scan will show something with my ovaries, whch hadn't even crossed my mind before I went.

Thing is it's a no win situation I'll worry if I don't go but know that between now and Wed I'll barely be able to function!

I keep thinking what if the sonographer doesn't say anything, then I'll know it's bad news!!!


15-01-12, 16:23
It depends on the sonographer. Sometimes they will tell you if all looks well and sometimes they don't. It's best to think the sonographer won't volunteer info in order to reduce your anxiety.

I recently had a pelvic ultrasound and the sonographer did tell me all was well, but thus was only after I asked her directly if she was allowed to discuss her findings.

I got s call from gp practice a couple of weeks after to tell me the scan was "normal"

I know how scary this is for you but it's better to go for it. The erosion will be the reason for your bleeding issues, and the gp is just sending you for ultrasound to be thorough.

I hope you get some info on Wednesday, that way your mind can be put at rest.

Let us know how it goes, wishing you well