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15-01-12, 20:17
Hi my names laura and I was diagnosed with anxiety/panic disorder 3 months ago now. I think i thought it would just go away but it clearly hasn't so I now have an appointment for tomorrow to see the dr again about medication as when i was first there and offered them I was dead against it. But I now feel defeated and something has to give. Any advice on meds would be great thanks.

15-01-12, 20:18
Hi peg0015

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

15-01-12, 20:24
im not a fan of meds im afraid, they mask problem , dont cure it, and when you stop taking, you could be back at square one... thats how it was for me anyway...but if you feel it will improve your day to day life for now, then its worth thinking about... iver suffered 10yrs of anxiety/depression/ocd, so a old hand at it, and i can get by well without meds now, theres not much i dont know about it all now, so i dont get panicky anymore.. i take a quality vit b, try to eat well and exercise... i hope your GP will be of help and maybe look at CBT counselling..:)

15-01-12, 20:24
hi there..........My anxiety and panic started just before christmas and after visiting doc ws given medication (citalopram) which I didnt start because of the terrible side effects i had read about.however have had repeated visits to doc since and started cit on monday, my advice would be to take the meds and if poss always keep in mind that not everybody gets all side effects.

good luck

15-01-12, 20:37
Im not keen on CBT to be honest i had it years ago as ive had ocd since i was 14 years old and now at 28 I still can't get what they do apart from listen. Never any answers not my thing at all. But i really hate drugs to so im not keen on taking meds but im cracking up with this feeling of dread every day.

---------- Post added at 20:37 ---------- Previous post was at 20:35 ----------

hi there..........My anxiety and panic started just before christmas and after visiting doc ws given medication (citalopram) which I didnt start because of the terrible side effects i had read about.however have had repeated visits to doc since and started cit on monday, my advice would be to take the meds and if poss always keep in mind that not everybody gets all side effects.

good luck
Thanks for the advice. Im a total chicken when it comes to meds cause im scared of the side effects lol.

15-01-12, 20:44
I didnt rate CBT either, had it about 7-8yrs ago, so not sure whats changed since then though... ive had ocd since i was 10yrs old, but only got anxiety etc from 33yrs old, im now 45.. took amitripyline for 10yrs but spent most of that time trying to get off it again... been off 5 months now... See what you GP says, and go from there.

15-01-12, 20:49
I didnt rate CBT either, had it about 7-8yrs ago, so not sure whats changed since then though... ive had ocd since i was 10yrs old, but only got anxiety etc from 33yrs old, im now 45.. took amitripyline for 10yrs but spent most of that time trying to get off it again... been off 5 months now... See what you GP says, and go from there.
Ill let you know how i get on. I just can't believe i had a normal live apart from being anal with cleaning and that up untill 3 months ago. I was laying on the sofa watching tv then took a panic attack i thought i was gonna die. Ended up in hospital and cant get rid of this feeling every day since. Ive had 4 anxiety attacks since but ive not paniced like the first time.

15-01-12, 20:56
Just remember, you have an attack , and then you panic... you cant stop an attack, i still get an attack occasionally, heart starts racing... i just dont panic, i just say, yeah whatever, and it dies off... withoout fuel (adrenaline) you cant panic.... x

15-01-12, 21:02
Just remember, you have an attack , and then you panic... you cant stop an attack, i still get an attack occasionally, heart starts racing... i just dont panic, i just say, yeah whatever, and it dies off... withoout fuel (adrenaline) you cant panic.... x

I never thought about it like that before lol. I know when its coming i feel a bit sick, shake heart races, get hot, head and jaw gets tight and that all last for about half an hour. But every day i feel as if ive just had really bad news its strange. I get daily stabbing pains in my head about 20 times a day but they only last 2-3 seconds. And i also get palpitations afew times a week. I feel like im falling to bits lol

17-01-12, 16:41
Hiya and welcome to NMP:welcome:

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: