View Full Version : Muscle strain after bad ectopics anyone?

15-01-12, 21:11
Last night I had a bad run of ectopics as I was trying to get to sleep. Not bad enough to panic me to going to A+E, but quite scary. I was a bit anxious going to bed as my son was quite sick before bed (and I worry about my kids even more than I worry about myself) When I woke up this morning I am really aching around my heart area and under my left breast and round my side and my left shoulder blade. It gets much worse when I move. I an trying to tell myself it's just muscular, but my health anxiety says it's my heart muscle itself that's aching and very strained. The more I worry and think about ectopics the more I get them. There's a definite mind/body link here. I have had three heart scans and three 24 hour monitors and numerous ecg's over the last four years (all fine, benign ectopics plus insignificant heart murmur), but I keep worrying that I am getting worse. I am not overweight, don't smoke and run 3k most days before work. Please share if you get the same symptoms as it helps put my mind at rest. Thanks

15-01-12, 21:24
Hello Brucey,
Most likely is muscle strain. every time I have a bad anxiety episode I feel pain under my left breast. Many visits to the doctor later, I convinced myself that it is muscle strain. hope it helps!!!

15-01-12, 21:48
sounds very familiar. i had some chest pain an hour ago and started thinking my heart was under stress and not coping, sounds stupid now but amazing how the anxious mind takes over! i aslo now have some neck, shoulder and back pain/discomfort now so a sound sleep looks doubtful.

16-01-12, 01:00
same with me, I have had them bad for the past week. My chest is so tight it hurts to breath and my breasts pain. Under my left and on the top of the breast is bad for me. I am soo bad I refuse to do anything that increases my heart rate