View Full Version : anyone have anxiety about their head

sherylee xx
15-01-12, 22:04
please list your symptoms xx

15-01-12, 22:19

Migraines, every week with nausea and sensitivity to light/sounds/touch. If I get a migraine the day is over for me, all I can do is go to bed and feel very depressed and scared.

Weird pressure/tingling sensation at the back of my head/neck.

Dizziness and light-headedness.

Persistent fear of brain tumour or stroke.

What do you get?

15-01-12, 22:32
I also suffer with head pressure bad for a year now , pressure around ears , lightheaded off balance ,I can't cope myself I am going back to doc soon ,

16-01-12, 02:17
I have migraine with unusual aura symptoms--harmless, but scary. I have TMJ. I never had my wisdom teeth removed and sometimes they cause pain (but not often enough to make me want them removed!). I have sinus allergies and a benign cyst in my sinuses. I have a lymph node in the back of my neck that is permanently enlarged and gets tender if I have even a pimple on my neck. So I have quite a few things that cause pain and pressure in my head (I do sound like I'm falling apart, don't I?). Of course, given all those things, any discomfort in my head or face is likely caused by one of them, but sometimes I still manage to convince myself I have a brain tumor. Even though I know perfectly well that any of these problems I have is what is really causing it.

16-01-12, 09:49
I have had a tension headache (seems to be caused or linked to pain/stiffness in my neck) almost constantly since November 2010. I have been diagnosed with TMJ. I have been on lots of painkillers and muscle relaxants but am trying to taper off them now. I had been doing really well till last week and now it's getting worse again. Stress seems to be the main issue.

sherylee xx
16-01-12, 13:42
thanks guys :) i get alot of head pains all over and alot of one sided headaches pressure in my head and tinglin/burnin sensations in my head i also get like strong vibratin shakin feelin in my head along with a dronin sound in my ears it only lasts afew seconds but its so intense and scary :( also have very blurry vision alot feel off balence and sometimes my hands go numb where i cant even move them :( im seein a neuro soon and im crappin myself thanks again everyone its nice to see what other people get for reasurence im nit the only one xx