View Full Version : back pain, scared its cancer

16-01-12, 09:40
hi all i had my 1st panic attack about 7 weeks ago and havent been the same since. i will skip a few weeks and ive started with really bad back pain what started in my testicles but over time has moved to my lower back it constantly moves im really worried. it moves from my lower back to upper back to my stomach and both ribs its very persistant. im convinced its cancer. i have been to the doctors seen a few diferent ones they have checked my testicles and basically told me not to worry.he said its a good thing if its moving. but why wont the pain go, pain killers dont work much neither. i went swimming last week to see if it would help but it didnt. i didnt feel it whilst i was swimming. please any answers will help :weep:

16-01-12, 13:30
I first suffered with anxiety in october 2010 and had back pain. I convinced myself it was every cancer you could mention. I went to the Doctors constantly. It was anxiety, I suffered with a bad back for five and a half months. The doctors can only work off what symptoms you have, I am sure if it was anything worse you would have been sent for further tests etc. . . I know it is hard, but try to focus on other things and the symptoms will go in time. :hugs: