View Full Version : Just got back from the emergency room.

16-01-12, 10:56
Well, I just got back from the emergency room.
This is what happen:

Day 3 Zoloft. Symptoms: Nausea, high anxiety, insomnia, loss of appetite, when I finally fall asleep something "jolts me" "wakes me up" "high adrenaline"
This has been going on since the first day I took Zoloft.

Well tonight was a bit different, I finally went to bed at around 2 or 3 o clock. Woke up at 4 AM, I was covered in SWEAT. I immediately PANICKED, I felt NAUSEOUS, I felt SICK, I run for the toilet, because I felt like I was going to throw up, and I woke up SICK, and I had no idea what was going on. I go to the bathroom, I can't throw up, so I start to cry, my hands LOCK up, and I cant move my hands, and my hands become numb, and fall asleep, and my feet do too. I freak out, and have my family drive me to the emergency room RIGHT AWAY.

I get to the emergency room, and the doctor says it all from Zoloft, its just a side effect, and he said that I must of had a panic attack or something, and thats what caused my hands to cramp up like that, and he said I was probably hyperventilating.

But I AM WORRIED, this is something else.
I mean why would Zoloft make me wake up in a sweat? Why would Zoloft make me feel SOOOO sick, like I felt like I had the FLU, that's how sick I felt.
I'm worried :(

I can't stop fearing the worst, I cant sleep at night because I am afraid that Im going to wake up sick again.

This is my 3rd night with not good sleep. And I start college tomorrow, and I am afraid I wont be able to handle college because of my insomnia and my anxiety disorder and panic disorder.

I'm so scared, I don't know why I woke up, and felt SOOO sick like that? I just don't know what it could be, and I am so worried its something serious. I STILL feel nauseous.

16-01-12, 11:00
Hey sorry you have had a hard time,

It prob sounds like a mixture of anxiety, and getting use to the zoloft....... just try and keep your breathing going and relax..... the doctor wouldnt let you go if he thought something was up.....


16-01-12, 15:08
One thing that I've heard is that finding the correct medication that works for you can take some time. It really sounds like everything you experienced is due to the medication. Give it some time and if your body doesn't adjust, your doctor might want to try a different medication.

Currently I am on day 3 of Cymbalta and doing OK so far.

16-01-12, 18:35
SSRIs can cause night sweats. I used to get them when I took zoloft. Try to relax your thoughts a little bit. Try not to overload yourself with the 'what ifs' of college and stuff. I have anxiety and depression and here I am in my final year of university! I know you will get through it.