View Full Version : how do others cope?

12-06-06, 19:05
i keep getting lots of aches and pains related to my anxiety and panic.
the latest being pain and aching round my rib cage area which radiates into my breast and arm. when this first started a few months ago i was convinced it was breast cancer despite having no lumps and being checked out. my doc says its down to tension. can tension cause all these symptoms?
the numbness in my legs was the symptom before that...to me it was m/s
the lump in my throat feeling.....throat cancer.
i know my fears are irrational and i know alot of out symptoms are anxiety and/or stress related but if anyone has been through this how did u or do u break the cycle of bad thoughts.
i really would appreciate any help or advice.

many thanks

12-06-06, 20:25
Hi PinkPenny,

Sorry to hear you are worried about so many health issues. Health anxiety was my main problem every little ache and pain I always thought the worst. How often do you go to your doctors about these symptoms? Hopefully your GP can put your mind at rest. I kept moaning about all of my symptoms so I started to drag myself to the docs. Everytime I got the same answer "common anxiety symptom". After a few months I learnt to think rationally, and not waste my time (or the doctors) by going for a check yet again. Get an expert opinion a few times and you will start to think rationally.

Good luck and take care.


12-06-06, 20:55
without a doubt it can. i have all you mention and much more and cant bear it even though i have been told it is not anything but anxiety

i sooo fear it too, but have gone back again to my claire weekes book today as they are soooo bad


12-06-06, 20:55
hi pinkpenny

i know how your feeling as i too always have some ache or pain which i always think the worst of (sore throat......throat cancer, pains in my chest.....lung /breast cancer) at the minute its a headache, of course its a tumour.

i have not yet broken the cycle but am starting to think a bit more rationally when i do get these pains, this is only through going to the doctors and getting reassurance but i don't go so often now as i try and think of other explanations for them.

i hope you start to feel a bit better soon and PM me if you want to talk

flutterby xx

12-06-06, 21:53
Hi Pinkpenny

I suffer with Health Anxiety too, there's not a day goes by that I don't have an ache or pain. Today I had blurred vision, a tingling feeling in my left arm & I felt faint. I started to panic, is it my heart or MS!!! I haven't broken the cycle either, but just to let you know your not alone & I very much sympathise with you.
I hope your feeling better soon, take care .....

Cath x

May Day
12-06-06, 22:14
Hi Pinkpenny

I have had a similar kind of tension round my ribs too. Mine feels like someone has put a belt around my stomach and is gradually pulling it tight and my ribs, particularly the smaller softer ones feel 'bruised' to the touch. I don't like any one hugging me just there. I find sitting for long periods of time can make it feel worse so i stand and walk about when i can. When relaxing i often semi recline or lay on the sofa rather than sit upright to watch TV etc. Taking long deep breathes while reclining can help ease the tension and i find it will often almost disappear. If the doctor has checked you out then i'd say that it's just the anxiety making you feel this way. Keeping occupied is one good way to help yourself get over anxiety. I know the pain can feel bad and be frightening but you have to remember that it's just a pain. It won't do you any real harm. The more you are able to keep occupied and ignore it the more it will fade into the background.

Good luck and take care


The brightest, sunniest day may follow the darkest, stormiest night ... enjoy the sun

12-06-06, 22:39
Hi Pinkpenny, all the symptoms you talk about are mentioned in Claire Weekes book, they are so typical anxiety, I have had lump in the throat back recently, pins and needles. Try and relax, easier said than done for those of us with health anxiety. Claire Weekes book has great advice on how to break the cycle, its not easy but it's doable

Take care

'This too will pass'

12-06-06, 22:42
thankyou to all of you. its been a great help reading about other peoples experiences and views on this. i will try and relax abit more and keep myself more active and occupied. i have come to realise that the more i think about the aches and pains the worse they feel and then of course that makes me think of them even more.

its such a vicious cycle but one i intend to get out of. i know it may and proberly will take time but everyone on here has been such a big help and support.

many thanks and all the best

13-06-06, 13:07

Yeah I have the same symptons - my chest is always sore- I know it's tension but it is HARD to break the cycle. Maybe a massage - a friend recommended this to me and I think I'll give it a go. My shoulders feel like they are up round my ears all the time. Stabbing pains under alternate breasts - it just leaps about making fun of me I think!

Take care - we're all here to help xxx

13-06-06, 13:16
Yeah, it takes a long time to accept these symptoms, even after having been to the docs.

In fact this morning, I have cancelled a visit to the GP, not because I'm feeling fine, but because I've felt like this so many times before and been told it's anxiety.

I'm getting there..


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers