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View Full Version : brain tumour fear (again)

16-01-12, 13:53
Hi guys,
I just joined this site and really hope it will prove beneficial as I worry a lot about my health!

Well basically for the past 5 months i've been obsessed with getting loads of different illnesses but the main one is brain tumour.
Ever since i had a panic attack in August I have experienced negative afterimages with my eyes and all sorts of other problems.
I have been to the optician and doctor and they have both said that my eyes look fine but i have an appointment with an eye doctor in February.
Also what fraked me out a bit was today when i touched my face or itched it or whatever and then it got a bit numb and stayed numb and felt tingly/funny for like 5 mins. It was really creepy and I always experience strange sensations in my face and head like this although never quite as bad. I was just wondering does anyone else ever get these?

I'm also pretty stressed in the moment and have exams at school (in fact i had one this morning) but I constantly worry about my health. Even during the exam i was staring at one of the joints in my hand thinking "why does it look like that? Is that normal?"

I really want to stop thinking like this its driving my parents crazy as well and taking up my revision time! I'm only 15 and to think like this at 15 is really horrible :/ Please help!

I appreciate any replies.

---------- Post added at 13:53 ---------- Previous post was at 13:41 ----------

please help someone? :( xx

16-01-12, 20:28
Hey :)

Everything you have said just described anxiety, it doesn't sound like anything to worry about. You've said that you've been worrying about a lot of illnesses in the last 5 months, I'm guessing those fears have faded now? (Or changed) This will be exactly the same, it is your brain playing tricks with you.

Try and test yourself by 'riding it out' and seeing how long this fear takes to pass (and I promise you it will), once your anxiety has taken a different route and settled upon another illness you might be able to convince yourself that this is truly anxiety.

The doctor and optician saying that your eyes look fine is really reassuring, some brain tumours are actually first picked up on during routine optician appointments and so them saying your eyes are fine is a very good sign. :)

Regarding the numbness, that can be caused by panic and anxiety; I've had it all before. At one point my entire head would go numb, I'm not sure exactly what caused it (physically, ie holding my breath or hyperventilating (though I'm sure it will have subconsciously been done) ) I spoke to my doctor about it and he informed me that it could be caused by anxiety, a few days later it went away and so I managed to convince myself that he was right.
I've never experienced visual disturbances myself, but with you saying that they started after your panic attack I'm willing to bet that this is anxiety too, I know it can happen.

Are you receiving any help at all with your panic/anxiety? (Meds or therapy), it could be worth looking into.

Anxiety naturally worsens when we are stressed, were you stressed by your exams or the like? Can you pin-point anything that happened in August to start your anxiety?

My anxiety became unbearable at your age too, so I can relate.

If you need anyone to talk to then you can always PM me :)

I'm sorry no one else replied to your post, I know it's not nice when you feel ignored.
I hope you're feeling a little better, take care.
Em xx

16-01-12, 21:25
Thank you very much EmmaLooeez :)
I do a feel a bit better than before thanks and know deep down that its just anxiety but hey thats how our minds are wired up right? to think the worst. since august i have thought that i have anaemia, lymphoma, parkinsons disease, lyme disease literally everything under the sun!!
so thank you so much for your post and i wish you all the very best! :) xx

17-01-12, 00:23

Exams are a stressful time, your brain is probably tired and you are experiencing that exhaustion through your health worries.

When they are all done, you might feel relieved and the anxiety will hopefully calm down a bit.

Try not to focus on having a brain tumour, your eye test is a good indication that all is ok, plus the fact that they are extremely rare.