View Full Version : stigma of anxiety

16-01-12, 13:57
why do people always blame anxiety for over reactions to situations as ive sufferd with anxiety now for 5yrs now and i know i do over react to things but today my daughter who is 15 was porly at school with her chest and when she was born she was very ill with fluid round her heart and had to have it drained and had tohave a window put in her sack of her heart to stop the fluid building up and now is always prown to chest infectionsand i do worrie when she gets a bad chest incase the fluid builds up again and take her to get checked out but school wouldnt let her home as they said she didnt look poorly enough so her dad went and got her but the welfare offcer told my daughter before i got there that i worrie to much over little things and now because of wat she said ive got really anxiouse and thinkingi am over reacting to much and it has made feel really bad and wish i never had this damn thing and because of wat the welfare officer said its playing on my mind and has made feel so quilty of haveing anxiety. i keep telling myself not to take any notice of wat she said as suerly any mother who had a child that has got a a heart complaint would worrie alittle and get it checked out to be on the safe side and its nothing to do with my anxiety, so am i really bieng over reacting and why is all this made feel so anxiouse or is it just the stigma people have about anxiety or is just really me any advice thks

16-01-12, 14:22
Hello. I think its normal to worry about your children and feel concerned when they are not well. The thing is not to let your children see how worried you are, as you don't want to worry them and make them anxious. At the end of the day, its your child and you have to do what you think is best. Is there someone, like your GP whom you could talk to and ask what kind of things you should be concerned about re your daughter, then you could pass this on to school and work together. Good luck.