View Full Version : Hi Im Chelle and im a newbie

16-01-12, 14:27
Hello there, im 27 and currently off sick with GAD have only recently discovered i have this illness and would like to discuss treatment and how people cope.
Any help greatly appreciated

16-01-12, 14:28
Hi chelley27

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

16-01-12, 14:29
Thank you , i shall have a look around the forums to see what i can find.:) xx

16-01-12, 15:00
Welcome Chelle :hugs:

You will find lots of help and advice on this site. I am a fellow sufferer, take Diazepam, really helps me, other meds had bad side effects I couldn't handle. Discuss with your GP, we are all different and what suits one may not suit another.

Good luck x

16-01-12, 15:15
hI Kat

Thank you, i have only just recently found out im suffering with GAD but i have always been a worrier even at school it was always why me, why dont they like me etc. Maybe i have always had it but it only recently came to a head.
They havent put me on meds yet as they want me to try the CBT which i thought would be rubbish but i suprised myself it actually really helped me untill i had a bad day and cried for endless hours for absolutely nothing really.
How long have you been suffering with it hun?

16-01-12, 15:30
Like you, I was always a worrier, I suppose I just dealt with it or bottled it up. I really only started suffering about 5 years ago, had the most awful panic attacks to start with, ended up being carted off in ambulance to hospital on about 3 occaisions, thought I was going to die :blush: lol. Well I suppose the anxiety had always been there, but I thought it was normal (I am in my 40's now). Anyway, had a couple of really bad times over the last few years (on & off) but have managed long spells of being able to 'function' in between. I had to wait a year for CBT, think that's why the meds came first lol. You done really well to get it so quickly. But I must say the CBT really helped with the panic attacks, it's just the anxiety I can't seem to switch off. I have taken Diaz on an 'as and when' basis ever since but I have been on them for 10 weeks now since my recent relapse.

Wish you lots of luck with the therapy. You will get there in the end... hope other's words of encouragement can help you too. It certainly has helped me, just knowing you're not alone in this x :hugs:

16-01-12, 15:40
Yeah my panic attacks came first , mainly when i have to have a blood test i cant cope i literally feel sick go white as a sheet and cant breath. i have known about these for a few years and didnt really pin point it to an illness. after the panic attacks came a very unhealthy obsession to little details like "why arent people texting me back" why doesnt he wanna talk to me, why is it always me.... and again i never thought it was linked to anything.
Then just before xmas i started experiencing heartburn for the first time in my life, docs said it was acid reflux and put me on ranitidine i was convinced i was pregnant as we are trying for a baby and you can imagine my disappointment after 4 negative tests. so now obviously i am worrying whats wrong with me why do i have this heartburn etc etc. which has obviously triggered the anxiety and thats why my doc has signed me off work for 2 weeks.
wow 5 years, you must be tough i am really struggling with this and feel that the people around me just dont understand which is why i searched for this forum.
My cbt invoives some excersices at home online. anyone can join its called moodgym and its amazing. so feel free to sign up hun see if it helps you.
What would you say are your worst anxiety signs and how often do you have flair ups?
you take care, and thank you for chatting to me it is brill to know i am not alone :)xxx

17-01-12, 16:44
Hiya and welcome to NMP:welcome:

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: