View Full Version : Time off sick for Anxiety

16-01-12, 14:34

Can anyone tell me what the reasonable amount of time to take off work is please? i have been signed off for 2 weeks with GAD at the moment which is nearly over and i dont feel ready to return just yet, i have having major difficulty sleeping at night time and was wondering if i could go back to my doctor and request a further sick note.
What does everyone think please? anyone else had more than 2 weeks
Sorry i am new to this, only found out i have it before christmas.

16-01-12, 14:55
Hi Chelle, sorry to hear you are having a bad time. I am returning to work tomorrow after 10 weeks off. I suppose it really depends on how you feel, only you will know when you are ready. Did your GP prescribe any meds and book a follow-up appointment for you? Tell them if you don't feel ready, in my opinion you won't do yourself any favours by returning to work too soon.

My GP was gerat and I had regular weekly appointments, really took into account my feelings and symptoms. I am sure things will work out ok for you, just don't rush it, and don't feel guilty about work...I did for the first few weeks and it just made my anxiety worse!!

Good luck x

16-01-12, 15:06
Are either of you on meds? I've been off 2 weeks this week too and I'm gonna get more off, I'm on fluoxetine but they are giving me really bad side effects and I feel worse now :-( xx

16-01-12, 15:12
Are either of you on meds? I've been off 2 weeks this week too and I'm gonna get more off, I'm on fluoxetine but they are giving me really bad side effects and I feel worse now :-( xx

Hi Pauline, I am on Diazepam, really helps me...tried other meds but could not handle the side effects...made me worse like you. Not all GP's will prescribe Diaz, because it's really only for short term use, very addictive they say, but I have been on it 10 weeks now, it's the only thing that helped me. I do know that the side effects you are feeling will subside, it's just a case of whether you can handle it or not. I could,nt :wacko:

16-01-12, 15:21
Are either of you on meds? I've been off 2 weeks this week too and I'm gonna get more off, I'm on fluoxetine but they are giving me really bad side effects and I feel worse now :-( xx

Hi Pauline,

Im not currently on meds as my docs wanted me to try the CBT first and take some time off but i really dont feel that two weeks is enough . its almost over and i am due to go back and i feel guilty missing so much work but its probably work thats made me like this in the first place. I have a high demanding job and have been with the company for 8 years . i did suffer a little anxiety 2 yrs ago but that was due to a traumatic episode in my life. i was going through a really bad time and i just needed some space, so my employers are aware of my problem,i have a history of having time off for it i just worry that if im not ready and i go back too soon it will class as another sick period which will put me into a verbal warning ;-(
I feel very anxious about everything, especially worrying that people at work are talking about me, what will i say when i do return. office tittle tattle you know how it is im sure.

Where abouts are you two and how long have you been diagnosed?

16-01-12, 15:48
Chelle, I am in the exact same position as you but I have worked at my place for 18 years. Your company should have a sickness absence policy and if you are signed off as not fit for work by your doctor, I don't think they can discipline you. If you have a history of GAD (as I have) they should take this into account. They may wan't to send you to their own occupational health person, I haven't been asked to do this yet, but I was expecting it. It wouldn't phase me as I have nothing to hide. Don't spend too much time worrying about it...you will feel even worse and it won't help your recovery.

I am at the point now where I just think...so what...I have a mental illness...If they don't understand, eff it lol. People don't and can't understand how debilitating this is unless they have been there. I am back to work tomorrow and to be honest I am scared to bits, but hey, what's the worse that can happen....by Wednesday, I'll be yesterdays news lol

Go back to see your GP, discuss, take all the time you need or you will end up having a breakdown, which I did. Not good :mad:

BTW, am in north london x you can PM me any time, if I can help, I will x

16-01-12, 15:51
I was signed off for 2 weeks, and 2 half years later i'm still off work. I don't ever seeing myself get better, but i wanna work,but anziety won't let me

16-01-12, 16:00
I was signed off for 2 weeks, and 2 half years later i'm still off work. I don't ever seeing myself get better, but i wanna work,but anziety won't let me

OMG, poor you...it's awful isn't it? Did your company get rid of you on medical grounds or did you just give up the job? I don't know how much longer I can cope working, so much stress causing terrible anxiety, but I really can't afford not to work so it's like a vicious circle :wacko:

16-01-12, 16:08
Think they replaced me,not sure, i didn't know how long i'd be off for, wish i did something about my anxiiety back then, too me a year to have the guts to start therapy. I wasn't full time so they always had someone to cover, i was mainly a cover person too, i could still go back. Just dunno where to start, i can't afford not to work, have another medical this month and if fail then i'm screwed and have to wait 6 months to apply again if still unfit to work. Faiiled 1st time, past 2nd time, hope 3rd time lucky, i really do miss work. I hate not working

---------- Post added at 16:08 ---------- Previous post was at 16:07 ----------

Typing on my phone is making my spelling bad. :-/ always does double letters

16-01-12, 17:10
Chelle, I am in the exact same position as you but I have worked at my place for 18 years. Your company should have a sickness absence policy and if you are signed off as not fit for work by your doctor, I don't think they can discipline you. If you have a history of GAD (as I have) they should take this into account. They may wan't to send you to their own occupational health person, I haven't been asked to do this yet, but I was expecting it. It wouldn't phase me as I have nothing to hide. Don't spend too much time worrying about it...you will feel even worse and it won't help your recovery.

I am at the point now where I just think...so what...I have a mental illness...If they don't understand, eff it lol. People don't and can't understand how debilitating this is unless they have been there. I am back to work tomorrow and to be honest I am scared to bits, but hey, what's the worse that can happen....by Wednesday, I'll be yesterdays news lol

Go back to see your GP, discuss, take all the time you need or you will end up having a breakdown, which I did. Not good :mad:

BTW, am in north london x you can PM me any time, if I can help, I will x

Thanks Kat, scuse the late reply my laptop lost connection. I understand about the if people dont understand sod them but i still cant help but worry about it, my fiance says he understands but since i have found out about this we seem to have stupi little arguments and i fly off the handle so easy im not sure he does understand as if he did why is he fueling my problem? i have been tought the WUTIWUF RULE
What U Think Is What U Feel - its in my cbt, basically if you engage your brain to think nice thoughts instead of bad thoughts - you will feel good because if you think bad you will feel bad but if you think good you will feel good, hard to explain but i hope you know what i mean.
I sure will PM you , you have been so kind. thanks so much hun xxx

Lily - i really dont want to be off work for 2 years, what happened did you just keep going back to the doctors for an extended sick note? poor you i hope you feel better really soon. xxx

16-01-12, 19:06
Thanks, im sure i'll get sorted soon, (hoping). I had to sign on with esa with my sick notes, i'm hoping i can do a job where i can work from home or near home, be easy for someone with g.a.d. I only thought i'd be off work for like 6 months but then i got worse, and no medication wants to work, apart from diazepam, but cant take that everyday.

If you are not ready to go back take another 2 weeks off, your work should understand, (hope they do, not many people i know, know what anxiety disorder is,always have to explain to them). :-)

16-01-12, 21:55
thank you will see how i feel next few days and maybe go back for another one. i hope you feel better soon xx

17-01-12, 13:20
I had about 3 weeks off luckily it was over Xmas so I've only been signed off week for a week. I'm back now and whilst it is hard I think it's actually helping me get back to normal. I have made a few changed like I am now office based completely.
It's har to decide because one therapist said I need to go to work face my fears etc. the other said I should take it slow. Due to money issue I'm here!

21-01-12, 10:11
I'm really scared about going back to work, I think I need some more time off but not really sure.

21-01-12, 17:18
Just as a suggestion - you don't have to go back full time. After taking 2 weeks off I was going crazy at home and felt that working helped me keep some sort of normality, but wasn't up to doing 9-5. My GP wrote me a note for reduced hours and altered duties for a month. Really took the pressure off and meant I could keep some routine and interact with people. Sometimes being isolated at home can make things worse. Good luck!