View Full Version : Strange sensations?

16-01-12, 15:00
Does anyone get a swimmy head feeling, i feel sort of out of it and sometimes a little dizzy with a great surge of adrenalin?

also is it normal to get a black trail in your vision during a panic attack? it lasted about ten minutes and hasnt reoccured, but of course now im focusing in on my vision looking for anything unusual. :weep:

16-01-12, 18:44
Hey There,

I got that in the car on the way back from work this evening, I was leaning over to look out of the window whilst stuck in traffic, must have forgot to breathe or wqas holding my head at an awkward angle but I had this massive surge of adrenalin and dizziness for about 5 seconds! Then I got cramp in my left shoulder :P I was so close to convincing myself that it was something serious but have linked it to my posture at the time and panic.

Also get the vision thing, usually at work in front of the screen which then makes me jittery and panicky.

So all normal symptoms of panic, scary at the time but looking back on the episodes it was definitely panic! Do you also get floaters?

16-01-12, 19:47
hi milk carton i get floaters from time to time but havent had them for ages.
funny i had been working at a pc screen all day that day?

i really dont like this vauge sort of feeling in my head its like woosy and swimmy, awful:(
thanks for your reply :)

16-01-12, 22:33
Even people without anxiety get this but heres the difference between us and them, they brush it off pretty quickly, it was down to tiredness, poor posture, perhaps they didnt eat, blood pressure dropped for natural reasons and so on and they let it go ... we tend to grab every tiny feeling, every sensations how could we not when we are constantly checking inward, even when we dont think we are, we are. We grab a hold of the feeling, interrogate it inside and out and then add in tense nerves, which are all over the body, including the eyes and ears, tense nerves in the eyes will make vision a bit off, add in the over thinking and the worry... same for the ears, the little nerves in the ears are tensed, thats going to effect balance making you feel a bit swayey over think, worry .... see what i am saying? x

17-01-12, 16:22
Thanks for the replies :) I guess after 20 years of this I should understand it better.
I just seem to be getting worse instaed of better