View Full Version : Stressing about money

Purple Fish
16-01-12, 15:07

I've been the worst ever today. I set out to do all my housework, a workout and order my grocery shopping and I've done none of it!

I'm worrying about some debts that although I can afford to pay off it's not leaving me with much spending money to enjoy life.

I'm definately not borrowing on my mortgage and I don't want to borrow on anything just to pay them off as I know this is a vicious circle.

It's so hard as my friends and family seem to have more money than us and I hate saying no to them.

Thank god I have my health, I know this is the most important and I really need to get a grip! :shrug:

16-01-12, 19:17
hello there, if you dont mind me saying i think you set yourself an awfull lot to do today, try and do one thing a day that way you wont add to your worries of not doing things,

It may be usefull to talk to your family, have you told them your situation and the stress its causing you?:)

Purple Fish
16-01-12, 20:03
Thanks, I do set myself a lot, it's cos I work full time so I try to cram things into my day off!
I couldn't burden my parents with this at the moment. My dad's out of work and my mum's having to do extra hours because of this. Plus they're both nearly sixty and it would worry my mum even more.

Thanks for your kind words though xx

Purple Fish
16-01-12, 21:10
Yeah, been there many times! Thought I'd have learnt by now! I used to consoledate the debts on to my mortgage but then that just gets bigger! Not doing it this time, will muddle through somehow!