View Full Version : Can anyone else relate to this

16-01-12, 17:11
I was just wondering how many of you find that when it's someone else worried about their health, ie friend/relative that you are actually really calm and rational?

It's just I've noticed that when someone else expresses a health concern to me, I always look for the most logical explanation and can usually reassure them and calm them down, but when it's me I am the complete opposite.

At the weekend a relative of mine contacted me really upset because she was worried about having cervical cancer, I talked to her for ages, reassured her as she'd recently had a normal smear, told her to go to doctors for check as it sounded like an infection and sure enough she did and that's what it was.

But a couple of weeks ago I was worried about having cervical cancer, even though I've had three normal smear tests in just over two years, my symptoms were no where near as severe as my relatives and I just could not calm myself down about it, but with her she rang me back to say thanks for the chat and how much better she felt for talking to me and going to doctors etc and was no longer worried.

So ever since then I've been sitting here thinking "so why can't I do that when it's me?" why do I always look for the worst scenario in every case and not look at things rationally and logically because I seem to be able to do it for everyone else!

Is anyone else like this or do you all worry about health in general be it your own or someone elses?

Sorry I'm just curious!:shrug:

16-01-12, 17:13
Yes everyone confides in me and knows I am calm and easy to talk to and that I will listen and not jump to conclusions.

Anyone who has read my posts on here will know that when it comes to myself it is a different story...

You are not alone in this!

16-01-12, 18:56
I'm exactly the same! It's so easy to try and help someone else see the logical side of their issues, but when it's YOU and the panic takes over, there's very little control over the bad thoughts.