View Full Version : Anything that doesn't make you anxious?

16-01-12, 18:49
Since my anxiety is focused on leukemia right now, the thought of anything else doesn't really scare me. I know it probably sounds a bit weird but is there anything that you're not afraid of getting? I'm not afraid of having a heart attack or anything heart related. I sometimes worry about dementia but it isn't a big concern. And I sometimes like to focus on things that I KNOW I don't have , that tends to make me feel a bit better to!
Anything that anyone else isn't so worried about?

16-01-12, 19:03
i imagine if your focused on leukemia, and that being so life threatening, then of course any other illness wont bother you! but realise like you said its your anxiety focused on it., and not something you probably would get! I dont really feel afraid of health things.. worry more about loved ones, and things happening to them...

16-01-12, 21:50
everything that you can die from makes me anxious:shades: if i dwell on it and google enough....

16-01-12, 22:54
Yeah I know what you mean, but I've honestly never been so anxious about heart related things or blood clots. I don't know why. Leukemia has just dominated my mind for months now, I never even used to think about it! :)

16-01-12, 23:23
See Im the complete opposite(to the above poster), i worry about the things that could cause me long suffering pain and that my loved ones would see me in pain with. At the moment im obsessed with blood clots, my scar ripping open(major abdominal surgery 5months ago), internal bleeding, infection and anything stomach or chest related-especially pneumonia.
Actually, writing all that down and looking at it makes me so miserable! What the hell has my life come to when i live in constant daily fear of these things????


16-01-12, 23:28
I didnt worry about my health untill i had my children:shrug:

Now every symptom means im dying! it must be something to do with me not being there able to look after them? i dunno i need a shrink:whistles:

17-01-12, 00:21
I think if I had a choice I'd rather have something that would kill me quickly, it's the thought of months of suffering and the fear I'd go through that really terrifies me.

17-01-12, 00:49
I am less afraid of things i have some (even if it's just my perception) control over .. but like rare cancers of unknown cause (like my mom died from), accidents, others dying bc I can't control their self-care, etc. all terrify me. Also things with no symptoms terrify me bc my mom's cancer had no symptoms. But things you can sort of prevent scare me less.

17-01-12, 03:20
erm violence generally doesn't make me anxious :P but most of my hobbies revolve around it to one extent or another.... don't worry its not as grim as it sounds!

17-01-12, 19:42
Some things worry me more than others. Heart attacks don't seem to worry me so much, but cancer is often on my mind - but the type of cancer varies according to what 'symptoms' I have at that particular time. I used to find I could only worry about one illness at a time, but now I can find a few illnesses on the go at any one time and my mind will dart between them. You would think, therefore, that I could reassure myself that I couldn't possibly have more than one serious illness, but I then manage to convince myself that the chances are that at least one of my set of symptoms must be caused by something serious!