View Full Version : Chest X-ray results..... Cancer?

16-01-12, 19:57
I had a chest X-ray on thurs morning due to continual production of thick phlegm! Occasionally tainted with streak of blood!

I am awaiting te results, called doc today and still not back ! I also had a sputum test done and again results not back!

Problem is I have now developed a dull aching pain in my upper back area and am worried now I have the big C!

I am trying hard to control my fear but it's worrying me! I do suffer with gerd,so perhaps this is to do with the pains?

Generally I am controlling my urges to seek re assurance well but am terrified that I have some for of cancer in my upper body organs :(

How long do the results take? Anyone felt similar back pain?

Oh..... Had blood test recently and tht was 100% fine!

Any comforting words or advice would be great.


16-01-12, 20:12
I am sure that the blood tests would have picked up anything sinister, and the ache and pain in your upper back is probably dues to anxiety, with me it's often one of the first signs of stress (you tense without realising it and then feel the effects).

I try not to research any more but from what I remember the production of phlegm is NOT an indication of what you are worrying about.

Try and relax, deep breathing and dropping your shoulders is good. I would call your GP if you haven't heard after 7 days, if only to put your mind at rest.

Try to stay calm my friend.

16-01-12, 21:12
Thanks guys......

I do try to relax but it's hard! I am just concerned about the back ache :(

16-01-12, 22:25
Did the back ache start after the x ray as they get you to stand in very odd position for the x ray and you cannot move so you would have been super tense and this could easily give you backache up to a day later.

In theory results take up to 5 days to come back but if anything really horrible is seen then your Dr gets a call within 24 hrs and your Dr then calls you. Same with blood results, anything really bad and they are on the phone to your surgery pronto. I worked at a surgery so know what happens.

Let us know how you get on.

16-01-12, 22:33
I had a chest X-ray on thurs morning due to continual production of thick phlegm! Occasionally tainted with streak of blood!

I am awaiting te results, called doc today and still not back ! I also had a sputum test done and again results not back!

Problem is I have now developed a dull aching pain in my upper back area and am worried now I have the big C!

I am trying hard to control my fear but it's worrying me! I do suffer with gerd,so perhaps this is to do with the pains?

Generally I am controlling my urges to seek re assurance well but am terrified that I have some for of cancer in my upper body organs :(

How long do the results take? Anyone felt similar back pain?

Oh..... Had blood test recently and tht was 100% fine!

Any comforting words or advice would be great.


I think you could of already mentioned what could be the cause GERD (pain from gerd can be felt all over you upper torso back, shoulders) i wake every morning and have to hack-up loads of thick phlegm nasty green stuff and sometimes with small traces of blood and have thick phlegm athe back of my mouth most of the day (post nasal drip).

Try not to stress.

16-01-12, 22:46
The pain come on directly after I had the X-ray almost within the hour and hasn't gone since! Its not un controllable pain just a ache!

Yes I have been on omeprozole for a year or more for acid! :( just worry about what the acid is doing to my insides :(

16-01-12, 22:51
Yes I have been on omeprozole for a year or more for acid! :( just worry about what the acid is doing to my insides :(

I have them same fears , I am supposed to go for a endoscopy end of the month but I dont think I have the bottle (scared of having something put into my body like that).

Making a docs appointment in the morning to see if i can do something different.

16-01-12, 22:58
I have them same fears , I am supposed to go for a endoscopy end of the month but I dont think I have the bottle (scared of having something put into my body like that).

Making a docs appointment in the morning to see if i can do something different.

I had a upper endscopy to check throat was ok, they only do endoscopy if really needed! How long u suffered ith acid? Wat meds u take?

16-01-12, 23:06
Have had gerd for just over 2 years and have been on omeprozole 20mg once a day for about 2 years just upped to 20mg twice a day and all the gaviscon advance i can drink about a bottle a week and antacids when needed.

Wish I could stop it, I dont drink have been teetotal for a year dont drink fizz dont eat spicy food or anything like that. Damn bored with it.

16-01-12, 23:08
I am same 40 mg omeprazole and gavison :(

U been tested for h pylori?

16-01-12, 23:12
I am same 40 mg omeprazole and gavison :(

U been tested for h pylori?

No have not, will be asking about that.

I find that when i wake in the morning i am quite horse and feels like a lump in my throat and have to urge to bring it up they say its the reflux (i sound like a smoker in the morning).

16-01-12, 23:18
In the morning I get dry mouth and lips sometimes chapped! Bring up phlem!

You not get any back ache?

If you have h pylori get some antibiotics! Do you raise your bed up too?

16-01-12, 23:21
Hi Mike,

Take a look at your private inbox..

16-01-12, 23:25
Thanks seb! Do they check te scans over weekend too?

16-01-12, 23:27
In the morning I get dry mouth and lips sometimes chapped! Bring up phlem!

You not get any back ache?

If you have h pylori get some antibiotics! Do you raise your bed up too?

When i wake dry mouth yes also i seem to dry out around my lips and wake with dry skin around the mouth have to scrub hard.

Bad ache yes but also have constant chest ache have had ecgs (loads) 2 treadmill stress tests to rule out heart related chest pain so must be coming from somewhere (my doctors says i have alot going on in the chest area What everthat means).

No i sleep flat with a flatish pillow as get neck pain if to high up. But should try to raise the top end of the bed have been told that.

16-01-12, 23:31
Generally, the xray department is closed on weekends apart from the accident and emergency department but your x-ray would have been seen by now. Is it lung cancer that you're worried about?

16-01-12, 23:34
Generally, the xray department is closed on weekends apart from the accident and emergency department but your x-ray would have been seen by now. Is it lung cancer that you're worried about?

Yes lung cancer and I have never smoked so it would be secondary tumours I guess! I just worry that my acid issue is causing problems and it might be spreading n causing cancer?

16-01-12, 23:40
Im not a doctor but I can tell you that your acid reflux is worse because you are worried and stressed right now - I have been there. I spent three months everyday living in fear and the stress of that alone made me look like an old man - Im only 34!
I am guessing you are under the age of 40 and not overweight right? The fact that you don't smoke or drink means that the probability of having any cancer is tiny.
If you can find a way to calm down and try to relax you will find that your symptoms will go away because they are all stress related..
Try to chill - everything will be fine..

16-01-12, 23:46
Im not a doctor but I can tell you that your acid reflux is worse because you are worried and stressed right now - I have been there. I spent three months everyday living in fear and the stress of that alone made me look like an old man - Im only 34!
I am guessing you are under the age of 40 and not overweight right? The fact that you don't smoke or drink means that the probability of having any cancer is tiny.
If you can find a way to calm down and try to relax you will find that your symptoms will go away because they are all stress related..
Try to chill - everything will be fine..

I drink very little, less than average I'd say! I have never smoked anything all my life! I am slightly over weight but not obese! I do eat crappy foods but that's my only downfall!

I am 29 and apart from the acid issues am generally healthy,my recent full blood test was fine and had recent ct scans of brain and sinus's.

Thanks for your kind words of support, hope I feel better soon

16-01-12, 23:58
you can send me a pvt message if you want to talk more about this..these threads can get quite long!

17-01-12, 00:53
If it helps (i havent read all the posts so sorry for any repeats) I get lots of phlegm upon waking due to indoor allergies I did not know I had ... sometimes blood due to the dry air from heat in the winter

17-01-12, 13:29
Back even worse today :( face in and booked a docs appointment as I am really getting quite scared! :(

17-01-12, 13:34
Mike, you could have a bit of pneumonia on your chest which will be picked up on the x-ray, or mild pleurisy which also causes back pain. Could just be a simple chest infection which will get sorted with antibiotics.

Other than that, it's probably your HA playing tricks on you. Please try not to worry. Easier said than done, eh? :)

17-01-12, 13:46
Back even worse today :( face in and booked a docs appointment as I am really getting quite scared! :(

Best thing having a chat with the doctor.

As said i have gerd chest pains phlegm Clear/Green/Brown thick clumps like glue it is and about last month was at its worst and i was having really bad chest pains was taken into hospital A&E to check out my heart.

And as standered they did a chest x-ray +ecgs,blood tests and it showed up nothing So must be the acid reflux.

Good luck at the docs

17-01-12, 18:03
Best thing having a chat with the doctor.

As said i have gerd chest pains phlegm Clear/Green/Brown thick clumps like glue it is and about last month was at its worst and i was having really bad chest pains was taken into hospital A&E to check out my heart.

And as standered they did a chest x-ray +ecgs,blood tests and it showed up nothing So must be the acid reflux.

Good luck at the docs

Thanks for your message.....

Well been to docs, chest X-ray results clear and sputum test normal! Doc checked my breathing and looked at my back said breathing was normal and was some tenderness but nothing to worry about.

Did ask about the phlegm and acid and he said he will test for asthma as there is some family history but said I'm healthy as far as he can see :)

17-01-12, 18:21
Thanks for your message.....

Well been to docs, chest X-ray results clear and sputum test normal! Doc checked my breathing and looked at my back said breathing was normal and was some tenderness but nothing to worry about.

Did ask about the phlegm and acid and he said he will test for asthma as there is some family history but said I'm healthy as far as he can see :)

:yesyes: Cool mate. Time to relax now. I am pleased it worked out for you:)

17-01-12, 22:03
Cool mike :yesyes: