View Full Version : Am I just a Hypercondriac..?

16-01-12, 20:05
Hi All...

Im a newbie here as of today, and have posted in the Introduce yourself page if anyone is interested.

I have noticed as of recent that whenever I feel a twinge so to speak it turns into a major panic...

For example, I have a sensitive tooth, and whenever it tingles I panic that it will turn into something more serious, or if I feel faint I panic making me more likely to faint, however I have never actually fainted, just have the feeling I might...

I suffer from tension headaches, and the Dr has me on Methocarbamol (Robaxin) to relieve the tension on my shoulders and stop the headaches, it works about 60% of the time, others I have to take a stong painkiller and lie down, sometimes I get so worked up I often give myself the runs, of im sick, but mostly I just feel sick, the slighest thing sets me off! Its reuining my life!

I have a 2 year old son, and Im a single parent, and I often worry that if something happens to me, what will happen to him, I have nightmares about me becoming so ill I cant look after him!

Im on Citalopram, and have been since June 11 and even though I have never missed a dose, Im wondering if perhaps im on the right medication, I fear all I do is over-react!

I would love for just one day I can function like a normal person..!


17-01-12, 00:16
Hi Olivia,

You've come to the right place. This site is full of help and advice and the people on here are all going through similar situations to you, so it's really good to know we are not alone. Health anxiety or Hypochondria is not a joke, it can take over your life. Worrying obsessively about your health is not good for the body. I did it everyday for months and the stress in the end caused real problems like insomnia and acid reflux to name a couple...
I know it's hard but you have to try and be positive and chill out..

17-01-12, 06:20
Hey I am exactly the same..anything that's wrong with me I panic it could be something else and get myself worked up..I have a 5year old and a one year old and I am constantly worried about something happening to me even though I'm married I still get upset and worried about it..really hate feeling like this because instead of enjoying my life with my kids I'm just constantly worrying every day.i hope you manage to feel better soon x

17-01-12, 07:26
hi olivia! i also think something serious is going to happen to me, but it never does! weird huh? :P i have a question, do u think about things deeply? do u have alot of spare time? if (like me) u have this, it can sometimes intensify the panic and make ur thought process messed up always thinking about ur health.The worst possible thing u could do right now is google because it could increase the anxiety levels by alot, another thing to note is, google isnt a doctor (it had me pregnant :P) its just a big company that likes money ;) Hope ur feeling better soon!!


17-01-12, 11:10
Hi Kevin, I would say I do have a lot of spare time, Before Christmas I was very busy, I took my son to a toddler group on a Monday, Ran errands on a Tuesday, Went swimming on a Wednesday, Another toddler group on a Thursday, and a dance class for my son on a Friday, every second weekend my son goes to his dads house for the weekend where I spend the free time with my OH at his house... Now he is at Nursery in the afternoons, and its a 40 minute walk (I dont drive) and I dont have enough time go to home and back before I need to pick him up, so I just wander around for 3 hours Monday- Friday... Usually sit in a cafe with my book, or meet a friend for lunch, but I do find myself very anxious around this time... hopeing when the referal comes through for CBT it can be done in the 3 hours... otherwise its back to square one!


17-01-12, 11:27
Hey, just wanted to say Hi :)

What dose of citralapram are you on , perhaps a slight increase in dose might help ?

17-01-12, 11:38
My doctor said I'm a hypercondriac, but he said it in a nice way, and I wasnt upset, because it's true! He only said it once he'd tested me for every single thing he could think of....

He's very understanding, and still takes time to explain things to me. He's a good doctor.

I still worry about serious health conditions every day, more often than not heart related or blood clot related.

17-01-12, 16:03
Hi Mel...

Im on 20mg Citalopram once a day at night... Its been working so far... Maybe I just need CBT to get to the root of the problem... Who knows!? Im just a complicated girl!

