View Full Version : not been here for a while

12-06-06, 23:29
Hi people, Haven’t been on for a while my son the one in the army came home for a months leave from Iraq, He has done two sessions in Iraq and he had the leave as he has now finished with Iraq for at least two years as he had done his fair share of dangerous places. He and a friend went to tour a bit in USA they hired a car for two weeks and where travelling around California and Nevada a bit. After a week there my son was hit by a car in Las Vegas and is in a came with sever brain damage and other injuries. When it happened on the 3rd of this month his friend had to phone us and gave us the news. It was so so horrible the worst thing that has ever happened to us, as they didn’t think he would make it another 24 hours. His girlfriend (God bless her) flew out 5am the next morning to be with him in Las Vegas. He is a bit more stable now his BP and heart rate has got a bit better. He got brain damage in about 4 places. He got broken bones in his ear fractured skull and a broken leg, he did get steady enough for them to put a rod in his leg. We phoned the military, Washington embassy and so many military and defence persons, they all say how sorry they are but didn’t get any help for him. He spent years in Northern Ireland, the Iraq war followed by kosavo and then another stint he just finished in Iraq. So he has done so much for his country, government and the so called Tony Blair, who sent our kids there (sucking up to Bush and now he is so ill and none of the government or military has done nothing. The only time the Government has phoned me was to ask if he had took out insurance to travel as they said about the high cost in these trauma units. He was insured, but should this have bothered the Government after all the service he has done for them. These MPs all say how good they are, but what a **** lot and so uncaring they are after my son has put his life in danger so many times for them. I thought I knew what stress and anxiety was until this happened and now feel so ashamed of how I was with anxiety, phobias and depression and my son laying there in a coma.

12-06-06, 23:39
Hiya Vern, nice to see you again, but so sorry about things. I just dont know what to say, how sad it all is, dont feel ashamed Vern, so sorry, not going to keep babbling on as I know it wont help, my thoughts are with you all.xxx

12-06-06, 23:41
Hi Vernon,
I am so sorry to hear of your terrible news. It sounds like your son is a brave young man and it is heartbreaking that this has happened.
Please don't make yourself feel guilty about your past anxiety, there is nothing to be ashamed about - these things are all relative.
Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and your family at this time,
Take care,
Henri x

marie ross
13-06-06, 00:07
Hi Vernon,

So very sorry to hear about your son, i really hope that he's back with you soon. My dad and partner were in the army, and both of them left because they had both had enough. My partner served in the gulf war and saw many things and like you said, they don't give a damm, he still won't talk about many things he saw to this day and has had no help at all. Like you say, these young men serve their country day in day out and as soon as something happens, they don't get the help they require. You should be so proud of your son, he sounds like such a brave young man, and my heart goes out to you and your family.

Take care.

Marie XXX

13-06-06, 06:36
Hi Vernon

Soooo sorry to hear about your son. I can understand your frustration about not getting any help from the miilitary or the goverment, you would think after all your sons time in the army they would do something.
Please don't be to hard on yourself with what you suffer with.
Just want to say that I'm thinking of you and your family.



13-06-06, 08:07
Hi Vernon

Im so very sorry to hear the news of your son.

Thinking of you, your son & family.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

13-06-06, 08:15
Hi vernon
I am so sorry to hear your awful news, you, your son and family are in my thoughts and prayers

Take care

'This too will pass'

13-06-06, 08:56
Hi Vern,

So sorry to hear you news, my thoughts are with you all, and I hope things improve with your son very soon.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

13-06-06, 09:34
Hi Vern,

So sorry to hear about your son i think that is every parents nightmare that something will happen to one of their children,

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family,

keep us posted of any changes,

kairen x

13-06-06, 09:37
hi Vernon,what can i say?I am so sorry your lad has been hurt,and pray 4 a full recovery.It does seem so unfair,he puts his life on the line for this country[and allof us living here!]then this happens whan he should have been havinf a well earned break,also the govenment,they should be ashamed.The way they treat the armed forces of this country,we all think it Vernon,and most of us feel 'our boys and girls' shoud be brought home!I am sorry,dont be ashamed of your anxiety ,it is a part of who you are,and makes you the caring person you are,the survivor you are,and the great dad you are too.I hope you are re-united very soon with your lad ,keep us posted,love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

13-06-06, 09:56
Hi Verny,

I am so sorry mate to hear about your son's accident, I am thinking about you and hope you are able to have him home very soon.

Love to you and all your family.

Piglet xxx

13-06-06, 10:40
Hi Vernon,

so sorry to hear your sad news, i hope he is home soon,

thinking of you and your family,

anxious xx

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

13-06-06, 11:05
Hi Vernon,

Im real sorry to hear your sad news, i am thinking of you and your family and hope your son is home soon.

God bless you all !!



13-06-06, 11:42
Hello Vernon
I am so sorry to hear about your very brave sons accident, and I can understand your frustration. For this to happen when he deserved wholeheartedly to relax and enjoy himself after serving his country.
I pray that he makes a complete recovery and comes home very soon.
I agree with everyone else all our boys and girls should be pulled out now and come home safe and sound, infact in my humble opinion they shouldn't be there in the first place.

We are all here for you Vernon. You have been a great support to many on this site, now we will rally round to support you.

Thinking of you
Jenny xxxxxxxxxxxxx

13-06-06, 12:00
my thoughts are with you and your family vernon


........life is for living not just for surviving

13-06-06, 12:20
That is awful news, Vern, and my heartelt wishes go out to him, you and all his loved ones.

Remember, that they can never take away the pride that he has earnt.

Take care mate,


13-06-06, 12:50

I am so sorry to hear of the struggles you are enduring at the moment.
My thoughts are with you and your family at this tough time!
Keep positive, and never be ashames of your own feelings.

Thinking of you xxx

Hay x

13-06-06, 18:52
Thanks all, and I have thought of that Space maybe I will phone the sun they will print what a load of uncaring liars our Government and Tony Blair are

13-06-06, 19:23
So sorry to here your news Vernon.
Your son an you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.


13-06-06, 20:51
Hi Vernon

I am so sorry to hear your very sad news, you have helped so many of us with your posts, including me and I only wish I could help you. My prayers are with your son, you and your family.

Thinking of you

Barb xxxx

13-06-06, 20:56

Glad your back here, but not in the circumstances. Im really sorry to hear about your son and really wish him well. Have the hospital given any indication as to how he will be?

My thoughts are with you all.

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

13-06-06, 21:13

I'm so very sorry to hear about your Son, my thoughts are with you & your family at this difficult time.

Cath x