View Full Version : Chest pains

17-01-12, 10:30
I have had panic attacks now for the past 6 months, when they first started I had an ECG and everything was fine.

I am now trying to cope with the attacks but I am getting random chest pain thats takes my breath away. This time I have had it for 3 days and I need to know if this is normal.

Im sitting at my desk working and all of a sudden I will get pain just above my left breast, sometimes to the right of my left breast. Again is this normal??

I have not done anything to pull any muscles but the pain is bringing on more panic attacks and making things a whole lot worse!

At the moment I dont feel panicky but am shaky because of this random chest pain. Any support would be great, thanks.

17-01-12, 11:55

I know how panic stricken this can make you feel, I used to get this badly all the time, with different kinds of pain sensations in my chest, even when I felt calm. It's more often than not down to tension... even if you say you don't feel you'd pulled a muscle there, the muscles around the body are connected...so you might be holding tension (due to being anxious) in your neck or back, and this is coming round to your chest. YOu will learn to ignore them over time, or at least not to let them get you panicked.

17-01-12, 12:12
Hi Dazza

Thank you for replying. Only in the last couple of days been able to "control" panic attacks, Ie. I seem to know now when one is coming and am able to cope with it, its just the chest pains that are scaring me which are totally ramdom and I have them even without an attack.

Like you said I am probably very tense which is true as both of my arms feel like I have pulled muscles in them, I think if the pain was anywhere else it wouldnt be so bad its because its near the heart you tend to worry.

I dont get any support at home either as the other half thinks im being argumentative and or lazy, not understanding that I feel exhausted working 40 hours a week, driving for 2 hours a day and coping with the attacks.

17-01-12, 12:23
Yes, I've had the same symptoms.

I assume you've had your chest checked out anyway...always advisable if you've not had it checked. I've had mine checked I can't remember how many times over the past 3 1/2 years!! I used to obsess so much about it, and would end up in A&E very often, but much less now, as I panic less, like you say, learning how to control the panic, and remember that the pains is muscular, or sometimes as in my case, gastric (from the stomach). The stomach sack where food initially goes into, sits right next to the heart, which is why stomach pains can often be confused with heart pain.

17-01-12, 12:46
I get the same , sudden pain from nowhere , from all i,ve read up on it its just what Dazza says , especially since you are just getting over pannick attacks .

17-01-12, 13:10
Hi Dazza

Yes, I had an ECG done at my doctors surgery in Spetember/October time. Im a bit like you feel that something is wrong and I need an ambulance or to go to the hospital but I dont go as I know it will (hopefully) pass. It was just that its been on and off for 3 days now.

Im also glad your feeling better and are learning how to cope.

17-01-12, 13:55
Hi Sarahj

I too seem to have constant chest pains all be it from acid reflux or muscular.
I have had over the last two years 2 treadmill ecgs about a dozen standered ecgs. Been taken to A&E twice so have had 2 full sets of tests then ecgs, bloods, chest x-rays.

And in the end they say my heart is ok and mainly put it down to anxiety and gerd.

I am know learning to understand not every twinge or pain you feel in the chest is heart related (if anything none are).

Stay cool xtremx

17-01-12, 14:25
Hi xtremx

I think mine is the same as sometimes intigestion (sorry for the spelling) tablets help so maybe some GERD in there too, im guessing caused by being tense all the time.

17-01-12, 14:55
Yes, i've learned to cope better with it psychologically....

As my counsellor onced pointed out to me after several months of chest pains ''This is the longest onset of a heart attack I've ever heard of'!!'' - her words put things into perspective, and I' often remember her words when I panic about chest pains.

17-01-12, 19:34
The pains are a lot worse now and I'm crying with the pain any ideas?

18-01-12, 09:29
Im exactly the same! i have 'Health anxiety' And i get alot of chest pain, its in your mind because you know its going to happen at sometime in the day, and when you get the pain, which is probably a tiny pain, which is nothing.. the panic makes it seen 10x worse, i have the exact same as your, so i know how it feels and it is hard not to worry. I also had a ECG and everything was fine, if there was something wrong with your heart or anything, wauld have shown on the ECT, hope this helps. you can inbox me if you want too :)

29-01-12, 15:16
Try a hot bath or a heat pad wrapped around the most painful parts and jus lay really still an breath in and out slowly. I get really bad chest pain and many times called a ambulance I have had so many ECG done I've lost count and they all come back ok but yet I'm still not satisfied there is nothing wrong.