View Full Version : How much longer of these panic's?????

17-01-12, 11:19
Hi All,

It's me again. I am now on day 7 and in the middle of the night last night I woke up to the most horrendous panic attack. I had to ring NHS Direct because I was sure there was something really wrong with me!!! I am really struggling with these meds even though I did take them about 6 years ago and they did help once I got used to them. Sorry for the long post but I keep feeling really scared and like something awful is about to happen:weep:

I arrived to stay with my cousin yesterday who I have not seen for a long time and she is really understanding so that is helping me through but when will the panic attacks subside? I had quite a good couple of days on 5 & 6 so what is going wrong? I am really exhausted as I am not sleeping at night and I have a 2 year old to look after bless him. I feel so sorry for him and just want to feel semi normal again. I was panicky and anxious and down before Cit but I am feeling really bad now.

Can anyone offer me some more reassurance please??

17-01-12, 11:24
hi sophie
I too had a good couple of days and although the panic and anxiety seem to be a bit better I still feel very rough. have developed a crampy feeling around my lower back area and head is very woozy

17-01-12, 11:25
Hi Sophie, like ive said i was exactly the same its absolute toirture but keep going your nearly there, the bad side effects lasted about 2 weeks for me and then slowly eased off but i rushed going up to 20mg within a week.....BIG mistake i should have stayed on 10mg longer, cit really heightened my anxiety, i was having panic attacks every morning along with retching into the sick....horrible! it DOES get easier i promise you, keep going your doing great :hugs: xx

17-01-12, 11:27
I am still getting full blown panic attacks. Last night my vision even went funny and I have not had that since I first started getting panic attacks. I really thought that I was going to faint and there was something seriously wrong with me. The nurse I spoke to from NHS Direct said that she had suffered the self same symptoms but they should calm down over the next week. But I am not sure how much more I can bear of it:weep: I am so scared all the time waiting for the next episode!!!!

17-01-12, 12:30
Just remember, you have an attack and then you panic... you cant stop an attack, which is when you start to feel the heartbeat increasing etc, but you can choose how you react to it, and if you dont panic, it has no fuel (adrenaline) to continue and just dies off... i havent had a panic attack in years now, because i understand them. if i feel an attack, i just say yeah whatever, and i dont panic about those symptons.. and it justs dies off.. Being scared and waiting all the time for the next episode will definately insure you have another episode, and its the fear keeping it alive.

17-01-12, 21:48
hi sophie, i'm now on day 14 and managed back to work a full 12hr shift today, felt a bit anxious in the morning but by lunch time i felt more like myself again. it's slow progress but i'm not dreading work tomorrow now. amazing what difference a week makes as this time last week I was on my hands and knees rocking and swaying about in an attempt to comfort myself. hope you also start to feel the benefits soon.

17-01-12, 22:01
i havent had a panic attack in years now, because i understand them. if i feel an attack, i just say yeah whatever, and i dont panic about those symptons.. and it just dies off..

This ^

ACCEPT that this is part of you and that the body is just doing what the body does, nothing new is happening here, and nothing serious is going to happen after, people always reject panic and get stuck in a loop, try the path least travelled...

17-01-12, 22:25
This ^

ACCEPT that this is part of you and that the body is just doing what the body does, nothing new is happening here, and nothing serious is going to happen after, people always reject panic and get stuck in a loop, try the path least travelled...

I agree with this too.

Its just your body adjusting to a medication which effects your emotions and your nervous system. So things shift up and down and left and right. Its a bit like turbulence in a plane. Can feel a bit scary but it'll settle down.

I haven't had a panic attack in about 14 years or so, I still get mega-anxiety but it never gets to a stage where I can't cope because I allow it to do what its going to do. It is, what it is. I have anxiety and sometimes I have those feelings as unpleasant as they might be, they will pass.