View Full Version : Relationship Problems/headaches

17-01-12, 11:30
Hi thanks for visiting my post.

I have been suffering from headaches since July 2010, the quack prescribed me cit at 30 mg I've been on these for 4 months.

I've been very down recently as things at home have deteriorated relationship wise.

Since on the medication I have been more confident so confident infact I have been able to socialize more especially with women. Since doing this i have come to the conclusion that there is no way my relationship with my wife has gone too far for recovery. Ps Ive not cheated nor plan too.

I have been chatting to one particular lady who I have become very attached too, whilst in her company my headaches vanish.

Do you think the headaches are related to my marriage problems?

I look forward to your comments

17-01-12, 13:59
Relationships are stressfull even more so if you suffer from anxiety. Your going to get headaches! Heck I get them a lot of the time with my fiance. But when is too late? Does your wife feel the same? Do you love your wife? Do you have children by her? Because all these factors will effect your life is you walk away. Your headaches might get worse? So ask yourself when is enough, enough in a relationship? Because if you love your wife then you fight for your marriage. If you don't love your wife then you have to let her go as its unfair on her. Its a big decision and I don't think anyone but yourself can make it for you. Its your life you have to follow it down the path you want to go. All the best and good luck with whatever you decide to do :).
