View Full Version : Exhaustion

17-01-12, 12:04
Hi All,

I've not been on here for a while, I've been on Citalopram (20mg) for a few months now and things seemed to be a lot better. I survived Christmas and New Year without too much of a struggle but since going back to work after the break, I've had quite a hard time.

I'm sleeping OK, some strange dreams, but mostly no problems at all. The problem is getting up. I feel physically drained. The thought of making my way into work is too much to handle and for the past couple of days, I've worked from home. I know this isn't a long term solution but I don't know how to overcome it.

I'm at the doctors later today do will mention it then, but I wondered if anyone else has had similar problems? Is it the cit? Is it just me? Will increasing my dose help?

Any thoughts greatly appreciated.

17-01-12, 12:12
Hi, i think it can be a combination of the meds and anxiety.

I also take cit at 25mg, been as high as 60mg although too high, what time do you take it, i switched form morning to evening, found that helped my sleep, and was less tired in the day.

The dream thing is definately the cit, but it passes, the thing is they do take time to work, but when you speak to your gp later he/she will knoe if you would benefit from an increase.

Good luck xx

17-01-12, 12:52

I take mine in the morning, so that may be worth a try. I will ask later.


17-01-12, 19:01

Im currently on 30mg and have a struggle to get up in the mornings. I take mine about 2 hours after i wake.


17-01-12, 22:28
I felt exhausted all the time on Citalopram, I also always had bloodshot eyes, so people thought I was drinking every-night (which I wasn't).

Unlike you thought I often had sleepless nights.

Having said that, I have been off Cit since late summer last year and I feel tired a lot of the time now too and also don't sleep well. Due to underlying anxiety.

So I haven't gained much in that arena for stopping them.

I took mine in the evening in the end as I found that had the least side effects for me, but this can be quite a personal thing.

Good luck.

18-01-12, 11:25
Hi All,

I went to the doctors yesterday and they've given me a few options.

The first is to have some blood tests to rule out anaemia, diabetes, gluten allergies, etc, so I'm booked in for that next Friday.

The other options to consider after the results are to either increase my dose, or to come off for a few days to monitor the effects.

I'm unsure about both of these choices to be honest. I feel a lot better in myself on the dose I'm on, and don't really want to mess around with that now I'm feeling a bit more like myself again. I'm sort of hoping they find something in the blood tests, as strange as that may seem.

Will let you know how I get on.


18-01-12, 11:34
Hi Angela. I feel the same I'm just exhausted at work right now! I think when you have a break and then go back to work its quite tough.

There are a few things it could be. I'm B12 deficient and that can cause you to be really tired. Just found out it is linked to anxiety too! That's something they can pick up from the tests.

It may just come with the anxiety... It tiring being so anxious all the time!!

I also have chronic fatigue syndrome which is a less severve version of ME. I got his due to glandular fever I had at 16. Again this is linked to depression and anxiety. Have you ever had a really bad viral infection?

18-01-12, 23:12
Hi angrymonkey

I've been taking Cit 40mg for 3 yrs & find that i am tired a lot of the time. My gp tells me it is a long term side effect that affects some people. She reasures me that when i'm ready to reduce my dose it will have more energy. I live in hope but would rather be tired than anxious!