View Full Version : Fed up. Really fed up.

17-01-12, 13:17
I first posted here in around October last year. I was having a massive HA episode and ended up on beta-blockers for the palpitations/racing heart. I was supposed to go back to my GP after a week on the beta-blockers for an assessment/to be put back on Sertraline that I had been on before for depression. Basically, I never went back. I temporarily felt better but since christmas, I have been feeling anxious again.

I've convinced myself that I have brain tumours, bowel cancer, liver failure... I am driving myself insane. I know I should go back to my GP for the Sertraline but I have managed to give myself a fear of the doctor's surgery, which is not helpful!

I am also making myself feel ill (like in October) and convincing myself that what are probably anxiety symptoms (nausea, loss of appetite, loose stools, feeling unreal) are really symptoms of a deadly disease. Honestly, I would laugh if this were a close friend. It's like a black joke.

Just wanted to get it off my chest really :)

17-01-12, 13:21
Sounds all anxiety to me...im not a fan of meds though... have a look at Jarrows B Right vits, you can read reviews, just google it... ive been taking them for 12 days now, and had vast improvement in energy, mood and feeling calm....

17-01-12, 13:28
I'm not a fan of meds either really, Stormsky. I prefer a natural remedy for everything if I can find one. I will look them up now. Thanks for the tip. :)