View Full Version : Mammogram : in a panic !

17-01-12, 13:49
As I've mentioned before my breast cancer fear has returned. I had a ( legitimate) concern two years ago when I was 30, I had a small lump which was extremely painful. Turns out this was probably the result of injuring my breast on a rollercoaster ride!

Anyway, I had a mammogram ultrasound and biopsy and results were found to be normal breast tissue.

The thing is, I've been looking up articles ( not good idea) which suggests that mammograms increase breast cancer rates, particularly in young woman. I'm now fearful, particularly as my breast pain and breast worries have returned.

Anyone else in the same situation or able to put my mind at rest?

17-01-12, 13:57
Of course, you're worried! You've been looking up articles! :D

Your pain in your breast/worries didn't return until you read these articles, is that right? If so, there's your answer sweetheart. Just like my pains/aches didn't materialise until I read about them.

Try not to worry, if at all possible. Obviously, lumps need investigating. I think that the pain is psychological. FWIW, I have breast pain A LOT. Just last night actually, too. My doctor said it's cyclical i.e pain that comes and goes with ovulation/hormonal changes/periods. Hope this helps.

17-01-12, 14:01
Lol! Very true Betty kitten!

Except my breast pain returned immediately after a smear test fiasco which meant I had been worried bout cervical c for several weeks!!

Classic transference of symptoms I know.

It still worries me tho, kicking myself for having the mammogram although the truth is I wasn't asked, it was arranged for me at breast clinic.

17-01-12, 15:05
I'm sure that one mammogram won't increase your risk of cancer. If there was a significant risk, I'm sure that they'd have to find safer methods of screening/warn you about it beforehand. Where have you read this information?

17-01-12, 15:23
On the violet to blue site. Think it has feminist undertones but provides loads of info on smear testing / mammograms etc.

17-01-12, 19:56
<whispers> Feminists are loons. ;)

17-01-12, 20:01
Hehe :D

17-01-12, 20:34

I have to have my 3 yearly mammogram in 3 weeks( if i go)!!! and the paperwork I recieved says " for every 14,000 women regularly screened for 10years one woman may develop breast cancer she will die from because of the radiation" so as you've only had the one I'm sure your ok:D but it does make me think If I should go or not? its not quite 3 years since my last and I had one 5 years prior to that TBH Im getting in a right tizz about it!!!!!

17-01-12, 20:47
Yes you SHOULD go! There is a 1 in 14,000 chance that the radiation will give you breast cancer. Do you use deodorant? You have more chance of getting breast cancer from the chemicals in that (switch to paraben free!) than from a mammogram.

Please go! :)

17-01-12, 23:17
Yes go! I'm sorry if I've caused you worry, it wasn't my intention. My concern is because of my age. The younger the women the denser the breast and the more susceptible to the radiation it becomes. As you have to go for screening, I assume your over 50, the age which is deemed "safe" for mammogram screening.